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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites | 01-31-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe

click here to read article

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Poll: Majority Would Vote Against Obama Re-Election. “Democrats can’t blame this one on Rasmussen. The National Journal polled 1200 adults nationwide to determine whether they would vote for Barack Obama’s re-election based on his first-year performance. In a stunner, 50% said they’d vote for ’someone else...’ Transparent And Accessible? Obama Hasn’t Held A Press Conference In Many Months.

MAYBE THEY SHOULD ADJUST EXPECTATIONS? New jobless claims rise more than expected. ‘Cause we seem to see this headline almost every week. . . .

Plus this: “The increasing number of people claiming extended unemployment insurance indicates that even as layoffs are declining, hiring hasn’t picked up. That leaves people out of work for longer and longer periods of time.”

UPDATE: A longtime reader emails:

Glenn, in the unlikely event you publish this email, I’d ask you not use my name. As a partner in a midsize firm (annual gross about $50,000,000) I can give you our perspective on hiring: we’re not doing it. And we’ve always been in hiring mode in the past. We’re not struggling, but we simply are not willing to take on the risk of hiring people in this environment. Just look around: small businesses are still closing. How many “For Lease” signs do you see right now in front of empty commercial properties that used to house small and mid-size businesses? With taxes and interest rates expected to rise later this year or next, thus sucking even more cash out of the economy, and consumers still cutting personal spending, most businesses would be idiotic to go on the type of hiring sprees that would be necessary in order to create robust job growth. Instead, many businesses are still looking everywhere they can to slash expenses. Unfortunately, that includes payrolls.

I doubt anybody in the Obama Administration gets this. They’d have to take a break from their obsession with health care reform, and you know, actually talk to people who run businesses to understand what’s going on. But except for hobnobbing at fund raisers with the occasional fund manager or Fortune 500 CEO who’s so rich he can afford to be a liberal Democrat regardless of what happens, they don’t do that.

This seems right.

The Patsies Catch On To ObamaCare. “Nor is it just money. The ticked-off people in Pewaukee weren’t telling Feingold not to tax them to cover the not-quite-poor. They were telling him not to mess with their coverage, because Obamacare does just that, corralling millions of people into federally designed plans. Federal panels may tell doctors what treatments to use. The Internal Revenue Service may tell us all what kind of plan we must, or must not, buy.”
AMERICA’S New Year’s Unemployment Hangover. Striking graphic.


Unemployed? Brace Yourself, It Could Last Another Four Years

The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Fascism

Retail sales fall unexpectedly; jobless claims up

"Unexpectedly!" That word, again... everybody, take a shot...

Retail Sales Unexpectedly Tank In December

IN CALIFORNIA: Tire Inflation Nazis. You’d think their budget problems would encourage them to prioritize. But then, if they could do that, they might not have such budget problems to begin with.
LONDON TIMES: ‘Safe’ Kennedy seat now up for grabs. “Even a narrow loss for the Republicans, in what should be one of the safest Senate seats in the country, would be seen as disastrous for the Democrats, who are haemorrhaging the support of the independent-minded centrists who swept Mr Obama to power.”
GRUBERGATE: A story big enough to bring Ace and Jane Hamsher together. And yet, as Ace notes, it’s not getting the kind of attention it deserves. Well, unlike the less-important Armstrong Williams scandal, there are no Republicans involved. And reporting on it would underscore the gullibility of the traditional media, yet again.
Ghana connection -

From America’s 1st Black President to 2nd Black President and Everything In Between (Part 3 of 3)

Against the backdrop of the political insanity of the first decade of the 21st century, one would expect that most would have been eager for escapism and fantasy in their entertainment. However, “reality tv” became a national obsession as well as a vehicle for those with a desire to obtain a moment’s celebrity. Andy Warhol was more than generous when he predicted that everyone would get 15 minutes of fame. Inflation has obviously taken its toll since it appears we have a huge supply of those hungering for fame for only 15 seconds rather than the full 15 minutes, predicted by Warhol.

KIM KARDASHIAN Pictures, Images and Photos

“Meet the Kardashians” is a prime example — I still have no idea who they are, let alone why anyone would want to meet them (actually only 2 reasons come to mind…).

Truths We Dare Not Speak

by Speranza ( 85 Comments › )

"'The Ivy League is a Naked Emperor. '

ZerØ proves this."

Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:26 AM
Jim Hoft

Republican Scott Brown released a web ad to counter the recent attacks by Democrat Martha Coakley.
“Her attack ads are wrong and go too far.”

Meanwhile, Democrat Martha “Fenway” Coakley is scrambling to get President Barack Obama to come to Massachusetts this weekend to campaign for her.

She is in a virtual tie with Republican Scott Brown to fill the seat held by Senator Teddy Kennedy. On Tuesday she held a fundraiser with several top health care lobbyists in DC to help her raise some quick cash for her struggling campaign.
FOX News reported:

Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown issued a stern warning to President Obama, cautioning him to “stay away” from Massachusetts as he battles Democratic rival Martha Coakley in a heated race, the Boston Herald reported.

“He should stay away and let Martha and I discuss the issues one on one,” Brown told the Herald. “The machine is coming out of the woodwork to get her elected. They’re bringing in outsiders, and we don’t need them.”

Polls indicate Brown, a state senator, and Coakley, Massachusetts’ Attorney General, are locked in a virtual tie to fill the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat. Coakley’s campaign is now scrambling for a last-minute boost from Obama before Tuesday’s election, the newspaper reported.

Coakley told the Herald on Wednesday that she hasn’t heard from the White House and would welcome any public support from Obama.

“I welcome his support, but we’ve got a lot of support here in Massachusetts (and) I think he’s got a lot on his plate in Washington,” she told the paper.

Jules Crittenden has a Brown-Coakley roundup from his digs in Massachuesett(e)s.

An Even Worse Story on Coakley: Let Guy Off For Raping His 23-Month-Old Niece With Hot Curling Iron


Guy was a cop.

Seems that Coakley does as the machine asks her.

I can't think of any other explanation except that someone made a big withdrawal from the Favor Bank.

Well, either that or outright bribery.

Can anyone else explain?

In October 2005, a Somerville police officer living in Melrose raped his 23-month-old niece with a hot object, most likely a curling iron.

Keith Winfield, then 31, told police he was alone with the toddler that day and made additional statements that would ultimately be used to convict him.

But in the aftermath of the crime, a Middlesex County grand jury overseen by Martha Coakley, then the district attorney, investigated without taking action.
It was only after the toddler’s mother filed applications for criminal complaints that Coakley won grand jury indictments charging rape and assault and battery.

Even then, nearly 10 months after the crime, Coakley’s office recommended that Winfield be released on personal recognizance, with no cash bail. He remained free until December 2007, when Coakley’s successor as district attorney won a conviction and two life terms.

Coakley, now the Democratic candidate for US Senate, has made much of her record prosecuting crimes against children, and says her office handled this investigation appropriately. But the case stands out as one in which she drew criticism for not being aggressive enough. Indeed, the case gave rise to Coakley’s last competitive election.

Whoops: I wrote the niece was 23-years-old. Of course she was 23 months old. Brain fart.

Posted by Ace at 01:47 PM New Comments Thingy

Coakley's Such a Law-and-Order Gal She Vigourously Locks Up the Innocent, Just to Make an Example Out of 'Em


Read the whole thing. Seriously.

The guy -- innocent as a lamb on everything, but kept in jail by career-conscious Coakley just the same -- was just on a radio show an hour ago. Give him a listen.

How on earth is this woman even in the race.

Coulter Was, Of Course, Already On It. From December:

The allegations against the Amiraults were preposterous on their face. Children made claims of robots abusing them, a "bad clown" who took the children to a "magic room" for sex play, rape with a 2-foot butcher knife, other acts of sodomy with a "magic wand," naked children tied to trees within view of a highway, and -- standard fare in the child abuse hysteria era -- animal sacrifices.

There was not one shred of physical evidence to support the allegations -- no mutilated animals, no magic rooms, no butcher knives, no photographs, no physical signs of any abuse on the children.


It's one thing to put a person in prison for a crime he didn't commit. It's another to put an entire family in prison for a crime that didn't take place.


Coakley wasn't the prosecutor on the original trial. What she did was worse.

At least the original prosecutors, craven and ambition-driven though they were, could claim to have been caught up in the child abuse panic of the '80s. There had not yet been extensive psychological studies on the suggestibility of small children. A dozen similar cases from around the country had not already been discredited and the innocent freed.


In July 2001, the notoriously tough Massachusetts parole board voted unanimously to grant Gerald Amirault clemency. Although the parole board is not permitted to consider guilt or innocence, its recommendation said: "(I)t is clearly a matter of public knowledge that, at the minimum, real and substantial doubt exists concerning petitioner's conviction."

Immediately after the board's recommendation, The Boston Globe reported that Gov. Jane Swift was leaning toward accepting the board's recommendation and freeing Amirault.

Enter Martha Coakley, Middlesex district attorney. Gerald Amirault had already spent 15 years in prison for crimes he no more committed than anyone reading this column did. But Coakley put on a full court press to keep Amirault in prison simply to further her political ambitions.

By then, every sentient person knew that Amirault was innocent. But instead of saying nothing, Coakley frantically lobbied Gov. Jane Swift to keep him in prison to show that she was a take-no-prisoners prosecutor, who stood up for "the children." As a result of Coakley's efforts -- and her contagious ambition -- Gov. Swift denied Amirault's clemency.

Thanks to Martha Coakley, Gerald Amirault sat in prison for another three years.

And he's still a registered sex offender, commenters tell me, and still confined to house arrest for part of the day, and has to pay for his own GPS monitoring.

But, you know, Coakley's on the side of "the children" or something.

Liberal prosecutors scare me. Because they're worried about the soft-on-crime charge (because they are, in fact, soft-on-crime), they seem to overcompensate in "Worthy Victims" cases -- See the Duke Lacrosse Team. They wind up throwing innocent people in jail just to show how tough-on-non-crimes they are.

This is repulsive.

Incidentally, this idiot Jane Swift deserves just as much scorn for her cowardice. (And she's a Republican -- well, of the Boston variety.)

But Jane Swift isn't on the ballot. This knuckledragging "Tea-Bagger for Jailing the Innocent" Coakley is.

Putting the "Author" In Authoritarian: Simply no discernment -- or, should I say, nuance -- for the critical difference between proper and improper prosecutorial conduct. Between being hard on crime and being hard on citizens.

Last year, Coakley chose to personally argue her state’s case before the Supreme Court in Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts. Despite the recent headlines detailing forensic mishaps, fraudulent testimony and crime lab incompetence, Coakley argued that requiring crime lab technicians to be present at trial for questioning by defense attorneys would place too large a burden on prosecutors. The Supreme Court found otherwise, in a decision that had Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia coming down on Coakley’s left.


Wall Street Journal reporter Dorothy Rabinowitz, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her coverage of bogus sex abuse cases, recently told The Boston Globe of the Amirault case, “Martha Coakley was a very, very good soldier who showed she would do anything to preserve this horrendous assault on justice.” According to journalist Mark Pendergrast, Coakley herself prosecuted another questionable child abuse case in 1993, using the same recovered-memory testimony and now-discredited methods of questioning children to convict Ray and Shirley Souza of molesting their grandchildren.

It’s probably not surprising, then, that as DA in Middlesex County, Coakley opposed efforts to create an innocence commission in Massachusetts, calling the idea “backward-looking instead of forward-looking.” Of course, that’s sort of the point — to find people who have been wrongfully convicted. So far, there have been at least 23 exonerations in Massachusetts, including several in Coakley’s home county.

For the record, "innocence commissions" are conservative (assuming they're not shams, and simply tools for the wack-a-doodle left to pardon everyone; which, in practice, they haven't been).

The notion that the state cannot err is... well, let's just say that idea has its roots in a decidedly anti-freedom theory of governance.

Thanks to Craig A. for the original tip, Vic for the Coulter column, and Edward R. for the Politico piece.

Posted by Ace at 10:18 AM New Comments Thingy
88 Jeez, I had forgotten Coakley's role in the Amirault case.  That is one of the most shameful travesties of justice in our generation.  That she would become U.S. Senator, partly on the back of Gerald Amirault, is a disgusting thought.
Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:20 AM
Jim Hoft

Dr. Michael Mann co-authored the famous graph of temperature trends dubbed the “hockey stick graph.”
Mann was implicated in the global warming email and document conspiracy in 2009.
hockey stick
Mann’s controversial work has been challenged in the past.

Dr. Mann was implicated in the global warming email conspiracy. It was reported on several websites that classified emails and files prove that the junk scientists behind the global warming movement knowingly perpetrated a fraud on the global community. Mann’s name came up in several of the emails. The posted material, which includes e-mails allegedly sent by the CRU’s director Phil Jones to fellow climate researchers, including Michael Mann at Pennsylvania State University in University Park. Mann is under investigation at Penn State over this controversy.

Now we find out that this same dangerous junk scientist is receiving a half million dollars in Stimulus cash.
The National Center for Public Research reported:

In the face of rising unemployment and record-breaking deficits, policy experts at the National Center for Public Policy Research are criticizing the Obama Administration for awarding a half million dollar grant from the economic stimulus package to Penn State Professor Michael Mann, a key figure in the Climategate controversy.

“It’s outrageous that economic stimulus money is being used to support research conducted by Michael Mann at the very time he’s under investigation by Penn State and is one of the key figures in the international Climategate scandal. Penn State should immediately return these funds to the U.S. Treasury,” said Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.

Professor Mann is currently under investigation by Penn State University because of activities related to a closed circle of climate scientists who appear to have been engaged in agenda-driven science. Emails and documents mysteriously released from the previously-prestigious Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom revealed discussions of manipulation and destruction of research data, as well as efforts to interfere with the peer review process to stifle opposing views. The motivation underlying these efforts appears to be a coordinated strategy to support the belief that mankind’s activities are causing global warming.

“It’s no wonder that Obama’s stimulus plan is failing to produce jobs. Taxpayer dollars aren’t being used in the ways most likely to spur job creation. The stimulus was not sold to the public as a way to reward a loyalist in the climate change debate. Nor was the stimulus sold as a way to promote the Obama Administration’s position on the global warming theory. This misuse of stimulus money illustrates why tax cuts are a better way to stimulate the economy than letting the government decide where to spend taxpayer dollars. As is often the case, political considerations corrupt the distribution of government funds,” said Deneen Borelli, a fellow with the National Center’s Project 21 black leadership network.

“Mann’s credentials as a climate change alarmist seems to fit the political criteria for stimulus funds sometimes known as ‘Obama money’,” added Deneen Borelli.

Mann is a central and controversial figure in climate change research. Mann’s so-called “hockey stick” graph depicting temperature changes over a 1000 year period was used as evidence in the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2001 report to conclude carbon dioxide from industrial activity is causing global warming. Mimicking the shape of a hockey stick, the graph showed a long period of stable temperatures (the shaft) followed by a rapid rise in temperatures (the blade) during the last hundred years.

Critics of the hockey stick claim Mann manipulated data to eliminate the medieval warming period and the little ice age to eradicate the visual impact of natural global temperature variation. The emails from Climategate reveal that the inner circle of climate scientists were troubled by the methods Mann used to produce the graph.

So how many jobs do you suppose Dr. Mann will create or save with this heap of cash… besides his own?

11,741 posted on 01/14/2010 12:18:05 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Officials: 'Credible Intelligence' on Terror Attack Planning Against U.S.

Martha’s Greatest Hits: The Things the Democrats Would Like You to Forget About Candidate Coakley

Is The Election For The “People’s Seat” Closer Than We Think?

Coakley made deal in 1995 priest case

Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown

Democrats, Unions Reach Deal on Taxing High-End Health Plans (The union fix is in and we will pay)

Labor leaders and Democratic negotiators agreed Thursday to scale back a proposed new tax on high-end health-insurance plans, and the White House and congressional leaders pressed to reach a final deal on most aspects of the health-care bill by this weekend.

The tax, which was included in the Senate's version of the health-care overhaul legislation but not the House plan, has been one of the key remaining issues as Democrats work to combine the health bills passed by the two chambers late last year.

Union leaders, as well as many House Democrats, are fiercely opposed to the tax on "Cadillac" insurance plans, which they say will hit many middle-class workers and undermine benefits unions have negotiated for their members. But President Barack Obama has supported the measure as a way both to pay for the health bill and to control overall health-care spending.

To make up for the lost revenue—and to increase subsidies for lower earners to buy health insurance—negotiators are considering increasing the financial hit on drug makers, nursing homes and medical-device makers, according to people familiar with the discussions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

White House: We're going to tax banks whether that hurts consumers or not

Obama's Alternative Foreign Policy Universe


Everything’s staged: Michelle Obama’s garden food was fake

(Barack Hussein Obama II) His name is “Steve Dunham”!

— An intrepid citizen-researcher has confirmed that the man who goes by the name “Barack Hussein Obama II,” has an original vital record kept by the Hawaii Department of Health, which bears the name “Steve Dunham.”

The citizen researcher began her quest, following two lines of research: 1) the fact that the name “Steve Dunham” appears in records associated with Obama’s alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham; and 2) the fact that Obama himself is said to have quipped that his middle name was “Steve” (as some of his followers know cf. YYouhan’s comment).

The Quip

The quip is recorded to have taken place during the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, on Oct. 16, 2009, and was reported by Real Clear Politics in the 4th video segment at their site, at the 1:37 mark..  The video at YouTube can be viewed through this link:, or at 1:31 in another version of the video, at .  Here is the second version, look for it at 1:30 ff...The quip was also transcribed and published by the Chicago Sun Times on Oct. 16, 2009,

Want Happiness? Cut Taxes!

NASA Caught in Climate Data Manipulation; New Revelations Headlined on KUSI-TV Climate Special


Haiti Earthquake: No Food, No Water... And Gutters Running With Blood

Wrecking ball looms for historic Boeing Plant 2


SpaghettiOs Creator Donald Goerke Dies at 83

11,742 posted on 01/14/2010 4:21:18 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
If you read nothing else- Read This:

Martha Coakley's Convictions

Thank you very, very much for posting this— Dorothy Rabinowitz did yeoman’s work exposing this abomination of misjustice.

Long before The Dark Underbelly, long before I was on the Web, I collected clippings ( remember those days? ) that pieced together the sordid details of this miscarriage of justice.

People need to be reminded. Many have never heard of it.

They need to see this.

Ann Coulter tried to warn American against this person: Martha Coakley: Too Immoral for Ted Kennedy's Seat. I wonder if people will listen to her, for once. They should've listened to her about John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama.

“It’s a Brown-out,”

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race

"Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown..."

IVR polls are generally better than human polls for a number of reasons so there is reason to think that this is legit.

What struck me was some of the internals in this poll:

5. Now, let me ask are you a male or female? If you are male press 1, if you are female press 2.
1. Male 43.3%
2. Female 56.7%

6. Thank you. Now for the last question. Do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or something else. If a Republican press 1. If a Democrat press 2. If something else press 3.
1. Republican 20.3%
2. Democrat 36.6%
3. Something else 43.1%

Heavily weighted to females (usually liberal) and heavily weighted to Dems, although that is probably about the correct weighting for Massachusetts.

136 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 3:00:49 AM by Straight Vermonter

A woman I know said the same thing about herself to me today. It’s thrilling, because Brown is the opposite of Obama—he doesn’t have that spit and polish bullshit. His style is that he is genuine.

It’s sad how rare that is, but so thrilling when you’ve got the real thing.

I wish the non-MA folks here could hear him on Howie Carr’s radio show. Carr talks to him daily, and the guy just talks like a human being. He doesn’t dodge even tough questions and doesn’t fumble to find what variety of spin will probably hold off the questioner. He just answers the question. He is shocking in his directness.

Versus This:

She saw the whole damn thing:

Note the shirt he was wearing, (purple) wonder what that might represent?
I am absolutely stunned. A democrat admitting to cheating.

Breaking - Martha Coakley: Devout Catholics "Probably Shouldn't Work in the Emergency Room"

Master List: National Congressional Races by State

Haitian Evacuees May Be Coming Here

Recall the Mariel boatlift?


"...the question is whether Martha Coakley can recover to get herself a margin of victory. And she has no feeling for politics at all. She’s a classically stupid career politician..."
"the new book Game Change"
"...what’s amazing is even though they set out not to hurt Obama, Heilmann and Halperin end up bruising him badly. He comes off as insecure and needing reassurance, self-important, cynical, megalomaniacal, petulant, spoiled, touchy, vain, hypocritical, over-weaning, deceptive, and those are the good parts."
"Obama isn’t cool, he’s cold, he’s cold. "

Haiti Efforts Resemble Katrina Efforts and Vice Versa

For reference:
HURRICANE KATRINA- archive of links
various FR links & stories | 09-02-05 | the heavy equipment guy

Two (Somali) teens charged with murder in Seward (Somali) killings (MN)

"More third world 'immigrants' making America a better place to live."

‘Red-Neck Republicans’ Out To Get Them, New Black Panther Says (GOP's Steele is a "cracker")

Thinking Green--The New Religion

The Arab Arms Development Powerhouse

Haiti earthquake in pictures: The unimaginable horror which has torn a country apart

Slideshow (mostly panoramic landscape photos) at the Telegraph: click here.

"Before" and "After" Satellite Shots of Port-Au-Prince in Wake of Earthquake in Haiti - Video

Food For the Poor, an terrific organization serving those in desperate need in the Caribbean and Latin America. I have written before about the excellent work they do, and the people they serve. And they really do serve. In 2008, over 97% of their donations went directly their programs in aid to the poor.

A donation to their General Fund “goes to where the greatest need is at the moment.” That would be Haiti, right now and they’ve created a dedicated contribution page.

 extensive list of Disaster Relief outlets

11,743 posted on 01/15/2010 3:17:50 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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SCOTT BROWN FAN: “I know more Democrats who are voting for this guy than Republicans.”

Coakley’s worst enemy: Her tongue

January 15, 2010 12:01 AM by Michelle Malkin

We already know how she feels about glad-handing at Fenway Park: It’s beneath her.

And now, the latest: She told radio talker Ken Pittman that Catholics with consciences shouldn’t work in emergency rooms.

Also of interest: Coakley’s comments in the same interview about her role in the notorious rape case of a 23-month-old toddler. The comments begin at about the 6:30 mark.

Power Line has collected Volume I of Quotations from Chairman Martha.


As damning, if not more, is what Coakley won’t discuss. Pioneering investigative columnist Dorothy Rabinowitz spotlights Coakley’s role in the Gerald Amirault outrage and reports that Coakley refuses to comment:18 Comments | 5 Trackbacks

"Do you think yet that Obama and the libs realize how angry the previously sleeping giant is?"

Da bomb: Brown reportedly raises $1 million a day this week; Cook also moves race to “Toss-Up;” Update: New poll: Brown-50, Coakley-46

January 14, 2010 06:20 PM by Michelle Malkin48 Comments | 5 Trackbacks

Plus: Jackpot: Brown raised a million dollars a day every day this week. “The first-ever moneycarpetbomb?”

 Boston Herald: ‘Brown-out’ poll shows Scott Brown trumping Martha Coakley. “Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows. Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos.”


I have been mentally preparing myself for the most probable outcome in the Massachusetts senate race – a close loss by Scott Brown. The Boston Globe story this morning on the air war in the Boston media market clarified the biggest single impact of the race.


What was supposed to be a cakewalk is suddenly a strain on the party treasury, draining funds that otherwise would have been available to defend vulnerable Democratic seats this fall.

There may be better illustrations of the impact of a tech-savvy citizenry, but the leverage here is breathtaking. The future of electoral politics in this country is beginning to look much more interesting, not to mention hopeful.

Yes, this was supposed to be a non-race for the Democrats; that it’s close is already a defeat of sorts, though obviously a real defeat would be worse for them.

Martha Coakley: yea, I will deny someone a life saving heart transplant for political reasons

—Purple Avenger

Martha Coakley is precisely the kind of person we need architecting this nation's health care. Caring. Compassionate..

..."Middlesex District Attorney Martha Coakley blocked the donation of Costin's heart after he was diagnosed clinically brain-dead," writes Sean P Murphy of the Globe, "to preclude any possibility that his assailant's lawyer might contend at the trial that Costin died of a pre-existing heart condition rather than the beating."...

Martha Coakley is willing to let innocent 3rd parties die to ensure her success as a DA. This sort of attitude is just gobsmackingly vile beyond belief.

H/T commenter Howard Gaknis

Posted by Purple Avenger at 11:12 PM New Comments Thingy
9 Coakley could use a heart transplant of her own to replace the four-chambered organ that presently pumps bile through her circulatory system.

&ltscript language="javascript" src=";loc=700;cookie=info;target=_blank;key=key1+key2+key3+key4;grp=[group]"></script>&ltnoscript>&lta href=";loc=300;key=key1+key2+key3+key4;grp=[group]" target="_blank">&ltimg src=";loc=300;key=key1+key2+key3+key4;grp=[group]" border="0" width="300" height="250"></a></noscript>

THE ANCHORESS is keeping a constantly updated Haiti post going.

World Vision

Food for the Poor

The Salvation Army

Samaratan’s Purse

HOW THE MEDIA ARE COVERING that disastrous Head Start study. “A day after it was released, here’s a roundup of how the mainstream media are covering the HHS study showing that America’s $100 billion plus investment in Head Start is a failure: [...crickets...] Nada. Zilch. Rien du tout, mes amis.”

Hope...RETAIL SALES DROP IN DECEMBER as sales for all of 2009 show record plunge....Change...

Homeschoolers... the new terrorists

The liberal elite see homeschoolers as more of a threat than your typical fruit of kaboom jihadist...  or so it seems:

Fundamentalist Protestant adults who were homeschooled over the last thirty years are not politically disengaged, far from it. They vote in far higher percentages than the rest of the population. They mobilize readily. The "army" in which adult homeschooled citizens are soldiers has enormous clout: homeschoolers were called "Bush's Army" in 2000 and 2004 for good reason. Their capacity for political action is palpable and admirable, although doubly constrained: it is triggered by a call for action by church leaders, and in substance, it is limited to political action the aim of which is to undermine,limit, or destroy state functions that interfere with family and parental rights. Nevertheless, and by their own accountings, these citizen-soldiers in the "homeschooling movement" and the various political campaigns in which they are enlisted have no clout in the army in which they serve. They are as effective as they are, and as successful as they are, because they engage in politics in the same way that soldiers participate in combat. They don't question authority, and they can't go AWOL. With little education, few if any job skills, and scant resources, their power either to influence the lines of authority within their own sphere, or to leave that sphere, is virtually nil.

Homeschoolers as mindless soldiers doing the will of sops like Bush... that from Robin West, a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, primarily concerned with gender issues and feminist legal theory (whatever the hell that is).  Hey, with those credentials, we have to believe she knows of what she speaks.

Or not:

... make no mistake, West is an intellectual thug: "Homeschooling" she laments, "is now such an entrenched practice, recriminalization is not a viable option in any event."

At the dark heart of her thinking is the notion that home-schooled children are imprisoned. No sports teams, no church activities, no Boy and Girl Scouts, no summer jobs, no sleepovers with friends. Thus will abuse go undetected, self-esteem unnurtured. Worse, these children become part of an unthinking Republican army.

Which pre-empts, of course, the ability of professors like West to turn them into soldiers for the unthinking Democratic army. Which is why we need regulation. Forced testing and immunizations. Home inspections by state regulators.

I propose a deal, Professor West. I'm happy to have my sons enrolled in school, should they fail a standardized test, so long as the public schools commit to testing teachers, and firing the ones who fail. I'm happy to let inspectors assess our home curriculum, if we can do the same to the hodgepodge of theories and dry-as-dust, dumbed-down, modernized materials that get bandied about under the guise of pedagogy in public schools. If you're nice, we might even let you borrow some of our classroom materials.

Finally, when my kids are older, I'll match them up against any precious little free-thinking high-school radicals you perceive as unshackled from the lockstep conservative brainwashing you imagine goes on under my roof, and we'll have ourselves a debate on philosophy, theology, and politics. If your kids win, I'll pay your Georgetown salary for a year. If my kids win, you resign.

How's that grab you, Doc?

My money's on Woodlief's kids.


11,744 posted on 01/15/2010 5:40:33 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All


Haitians still waiting for aid (Hey Obama, 4 days now and counting)

Why Is President Obama Speaking About Haiti Again?

ABC News ^
The comments are almost entirely anti-Obama - that he’s politicizing this for his own benefit, that he’s distracting attention from the healthcare mess, that he’s campaigning for himself, etc. Quite a laugh for the alphabet network.

It’s not a “toss-up”.

It’s a “toss-out”...

Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls

A GOP Win in Massachusetts? Believe It!

Massachusetts 'tossup' threatens Obama agenda

Martha Coakley-Public Menace

Dorothy Rabinowitz breaks down the appalling case of the Amiraults in Massachusetts, victims of Martha Coakley:

"The story of the Amiraults of Massachusetts, and of the prosecution that had turned the lives of this thriving American family to dust, was well known to the world by the year 2001. It was well known, especially, to District Attorney Martha Coakley, who had by then arrived to take a final, conspicuous, role in a case so notorious as to assure that the Amiraults' name would be known around the globe." Gerald Amirault spent eighteen years of his life in prison for crimes he manifestly did not commit. "The accusations against the Amiraults might well rank as the most astounding ever to be credited in an American courtroom, but for the fact that roughly the same charges were brought by eager prosecutors chasing a similar headline—making cases all across the country in the 1980s. Those which the Amiraults' prosecutors brought had nevertheless, unforgettable features: so much testimony, so madly preposterous, and so solemnly put forth by the state. The testimony had been extracted from children, cajoled and led by tireless interrogators."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Finally the MSM is catching up with what I wrote about earlier in the week..........I said that a Brown win will make Obama a lame duck and that it will be the House rather than the Senate that will be his complete post from Wednesday..........

The talking heads of the MSM still fail to grasp the significance of the Senate election in Massachusetts next week. The desperate move yesterday by the DNC to pump money into Coakley’s faltering campaign should be a clear signal of what is at stake, but still the MSM doesn’t get it.
The ‘it’ is that if Brown should somehow upset Coakley in the special election next week, Obama will be a lame duck after only one year. The ‘talking heads’ and conventional wisdom are that even should Brown pull the ‘upset of the century’(it is still only 2010, lol), the corruptocrats will just delay his swearing in and have their appointed lackey cast the 60th vote in the Senate to get Obamacare passed.

What the MSM and pundits fail to realize, and what Rangel is intimating in the above article is that the HOUSE OF REPS is a real problem to getting Obamacare passed. IF Brown wins, no amount of arm twisting by Speaker Pelosi and the White House will be able to round up enough votes in the House to pass Obamacare.

While only 1/3rd of the Senate is up for re-e;ection each two years, 100% of the House has to stand before the voters in November 2010. The shock of a Brown upset will cause defections in the House of massive proportions when it comes to backing Obamacare, Cap and Trade, card Check, Immigration reform, a 2nd ‘stimulus’, and every other of Obama’s priorities.

Obama has done NOTHING to court Republican support for any of his initiatives. The Dems have closed off the Republicans because they thought they could get away with it. What they will find out if Brown wins, is that they suddenly ‘need’ Republican support to get ANYTHING passed. After dissing the Republicans for a year, that support will be impossible to come by. Last night I watched an interview with a Tenn Rep Congressman who was a doctor by trade. He was livid that he had made repeated offers to help in crafting a health plan that would actually work, and the White House did not even respond to his repeated offers. They did not turn him down, they just IGNORED his letters.

The hubris of this Administration has been on display for a year now and the people are not buying what they are trying to sell us. A defeat in the Senate race in Mass will turn the POTUS into a lame duck because his own party will abandon him when they realize the consequences of supporting his radical agenda.

My prediction is if Brown wins, Pelosi will be ousted as speaker (assuming the Dems can even hold on to a majority in 2010), Reid will retire rather than be defeated in November, and Obama will be too arrogant to make an accomodations with the Republicans and therefore his legislative agenda will be dead.

5 posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 9:39:49 AM by milwguy

Beware: SEIU’s Purple Army marches on Massachusetts


Coakley's Bad Taste Reaches *Epic* New Heights (9/11 Commercial Snafu Alert)

All gov't numbers are a fraud.

Correct. When I worked in the machine shop at Island Auto Parts, the saying went

"The only thing worse than no measurement is an inaccurate one."

Speaking empirically- what I see in my city?

One in five jobless- about 20%. Among young black men- around 50%.


First billion-dollar development? Empty field, except for the sales offices ( yes, the fools had two, and a web video-- what they did not have was actual buildings... ) and they are being pursued for "nonperformance" of the contracts they sold.

The "towers of silence" down the street- designed to attract those scared of living anymore in the festering sores of Atlanta and Savannah ( but who were also scared O' hurricanes, rednecks, and Negroes, and needed a fortified tower to feel secure ) remain chained, abandoned, looted, and a perch for fell birds...

Just in time for The Next Ice Age:

White House Moves To Restrict DoE Nuclear Research

Hoyer: Dems Want Healthcare Deal This Weekend

"...Scott Brown Panic...In addition to the Haitian crisis, the Scott Brown situation will provide the cover for ‘Rats to force this down our throats this weekend. They don’t think anyone is paying attention..."

‘Save Face and Step Back’: Obama’s Advice to Bush When Policy Approval Dropped to 35%!

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity

Minority Unemployment Skyrocketing, Report Says

"Are you better off now than you were four years twelve months ago?"

The Underlying Tragedy (David Brooks, in NYT, makes same point about Haiti as Limbaugh)

BREAKING NEWS: 5.7 magnitude earthquake hits Venezuela near coast east of Caracas, USGS reports

The creepy mindset behind Cass Sunstein's creepy proposal

Cass Sunstein: Infiltrate “Conspiracy Theorists” by “Conspiring Against Them!”

Eyewitnesses: Ultrasound technology is among the reasons that more Americans are becoming pro-life

From several years ago:

This the Stealth Bomber that is going to zoom in under the pro-death crowd's radar and nuke them... once a woman sees what is really in her womb, it ceases to be a "tissue mass" and becomes... a baby.
 Her baby.

Haiti: Where will all the money go?

Ask Charles Rangel and Bill Ciinton and Jesse Jackson.

Republicans Should Talk About Race. Here’s How.

The Misery Index Has Entered Carter-Era Levels [vanity backed by official data]


  1. Misery Index by month: NOTE: As of this posting, this site has not yet added the Dec. 2009 data, but I'm sure it will soon.
  2. Inflation data that feeds source #1: See "Current Inflation Rate" near the upper right corner. This will change monthly but is now 2.72% for December 2009.
  3. Government inflation data that feeds source #2: In the table, see the top row, rightmost column.
  4. Government unemployment data that feeds source #1:


11,745 posted on 01/15/2010 12:50:41 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

Coakley Trailing in Coakley Polls Too: 47-44


That pretty much makes it unanimous.

Posted by Ace at 06:07 PM New Comments Thingy
5 As I mentioned earlier, complacency is dangerous. Send a few bucks to Brown if you haven't already. The (D)'s are gonna start spreading a ton of WAM (walking around money) to get out the vote. The hunched over guy getting off the plane right after obi struggling with the briefcase isn't carrying the nuclear football. Something more dangerous.

WOW: Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll. “A new poll taken Thursday evening for Pajamas Media by CrossTarget – an Alexandria VA survey research firm – shows Scott Brown, a Republican, leading Martha Coakley, a Democrat, by 15.4% in Tuesday’s special election for the open Massachusetts US Senate seat. The poll of 946 likely voters was conducted by telephone using interactive voice technology (IVR) and has a margin of error of +/- 3.19%.”

DAN RIEHL: The Details: Coakley, Amirault, Woodward And Souza.

After reading a post by Michelle Malkin that mentions the issue of an over-zealous prosecution by Martha Coakley in the Amirault case, and also following up on a link by Instapundit to a Radley Balko item, I first went digging around to see if Coakley had ever commented on the Amirault case. Coakley declined to be interviewed for Dorothy Rabinowitz's recent damning article in the WSJ dealing with Amirault.

That's when I stumbled upon an extensive cached Boston Globe article from 1999.  If you read the entire Globe item and the links above, a portrait emerges of Martha Coakley as an overly-zealous prosecutor...

UPDATE: “Martha Coakley isn’t just a lousy US Senate candidate. She’s a crummy AG, too.”

OH OH: Dems Comparing Coakley to Creigh Deeds.

UPDATE: A reminder: In September, Coakley was ahead in the polls by 30 points. “Since then, however, something has fundamentally changed. Since September, the country has witnessed the visible battle over ObamaCare — late-night votes, Cash for Cloture deals, and a bill that offends a wide array of groups. Democrats have never looked up or paused to consider the public’s views on the matter. . . . That arrogant defiance of public opinion and the unseemly legislative process that produced a grossly unpopular bill have fueled a resurgence of anger and determination among conservatives and even usually apathetic independents. They now are anxious to send a message to Washington: stop ignoring the voters. We saw it in New Jersey and Virginia. Now we learn that even Massachusetts may not be immune.”


Tea Partiers Taking Over the GOP, Precinct by Precinct


Ahhh... now this is more like it.

I am less concerned about the detailed particulars of what platform we unite behind than that we do in fact unite behind one.

People might wrongly get the idea I'm a big fan of our current apparatchiks. No, I'm not. But we do need apparatchiks, and we need Indians, and we need Chiefs.

So long as we do have Chiefs and Indians willing to follow those Chiefs, I'm comfortable swapping out most of the old apparatchiks for new ones.

I just don't want a power struggle or third-party spoliers.

So here's three cheers for a newly engaged and activist citizenry.

The Tea Party movement ignited a year ago, fueled by anti-establishment anger. Now, Tea Party activists are trying to take over the establishment, ground up.

Across the country, they are signing up to be Republican precinct leaders, a position so low-level that it often remains vacant, but which comes with the ability to vote for the party executives who endorse candidates, approve platforms and decide where the party spends money.

A new group called the National Precinct Alliance says it has a coordinator in nearly every state to recruit Tea Party activists to fill the positions and has already swelled the number of like-minded members in Republican Party committees in Arizona and Nevada. Its mantra is this: take the precinct, take the state, take the party — and force it to nominate conservatives rather than people they see as liberals in Republican clothing.


Posted by Ace at 01:34 PM New Comments Thingy

STILL MORE ON GRUBERGATE. And a look back at the very, very different coverage of the Armstrong Williams scandal.

One Year Out: The Fall

by Speranza ( 60 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Politics, Progressives at January 15th, 2010 - 12:00 pm

Welcome to the Friday’s with the ‘hammer thread. As usual Dr. K. cuts through the propaganda and lays The One bare. Obama is dropping not because he is too laid back, cool or too nice (he is none of those) but because he is too Left. He misread the results of the 2006 and 2008 elections and being the narcissist that he is, thought that the change that the country wanted was Great Society liberalism.  For those who thought “things can’t get worse and let’s give this charismatic newcomer who as an added bonus happens to be a minority,  a chance” – well they did get worse and are you happy with him now? Just wait until health care passes and you paycheck is further eviscerated. In my opinion Obama’s worst mistake was to not concentrate on job creation through traditional methods of tax cuts and incentives – instead he passed a massive stimulus which will hang as an albatross around our necks for decades, and which has not created any new jobs at all.  Also he rushed through an attempt to take over one-sixth of the economy with his misguided health care reform plan which the public does not like or want.

By Charles Krauthammer

What went wrong? A year ago, he was king of the world. Now President Obama’s approval rating, according to CBS, has dropped to 46 percent — and his disapproval rating is the highest ever recorded by Gallup at the beginning of an (elected) president’s second year.

A year ago, he was leader of a liberal ascendancy that would last 40 years (James Carville). A year ago, conservatism was dead (Sam Tanenhaus). Now the race to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in bluest of blue Massachusetts is surprisingly close, with a virtually unknown state senator bursting on the scene by turning the election into a mini-referendum on Obama and his agenda, most particularly health care reform.

A year ago, Obama was the most charismatic politician on earth. Today the thrill is gone, the doubts growing — even among erstwhile believers.

Liberals try to attribute Obama’s political decline to matters of style. He’s too cool, detached, uninvolved. He’s not tough, angry or aggressive enough with opponents. He’s contracted out too much of his agenda to Congress.

These stylistic and tactical complaints may be true, but they miss the major point: The reason for today’s vast discontent, presaged by spontaneous national Tea Party opposition, is not that Obama is too cool or compliant but that he’s too left.


Ideas matter. Legislative proposals matter. Slick campaigns and dazzling speeches can work for a while, but the magic always wears off.

It’s inherently risky for any charismatic politician to legislate. To act is to choose and to choose is to disappoint the expectations of many who had poured their hopes into the empty vessel — of which candidate Obama was the greatest representative in recent American political history.

Obama did not just act, however. He acted ideologically. To his credit, Obama didn’t just come to Washington to be someone. Like Reagan, he came to Washington to do something — to introduce a powerful social democratic stream into America’s deeply and historically individualist polity.

Read the rest here.

BLOOMBERG TO OBAMA: Hey, thanks for turning us into Detroit.
 copy this before it is www scrubbed by Obama

Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

Politico - Rush Limbaugh is not backing down from his claim that President Barack Obama is trying to score political points off the earthquake in Haiti.

New York Mag - President Obama to Write Newsweek's Haiti Cover Story.

Posted by Kate at 12:02 PM| Comments (39)
U.S. TRENDS: More Guns, Less Crime.

“Chicago’s Real Crime Story”

January 15, 2010 03:12 PM by Michelle Malkin11 Comments | 1 Trackback


Haiti and the Logistics of Relief

by coldwarrior ( 6 Comments › )
Filed under World at January 15th, 2010 - 3:00 pm

Based on Haitian Earthquake of 12 JAN 2010

Rodan had asked me to write up a quick outline of the logistics and other problems that the relief effort in Haiti will face. Yours truly has been on a similar mission, but nothing nearly as extreme as what is occurring in Haiti right now. I will be using Haiti for the background, in general these specifics can be extrapolated and applied to other disaster or emergency situations. This was thrown together very quickly. We know that the pre-earthquake infrastructure in Haiti was well below Western standards, so they are already starting the disaster in a terrible position.

First Hours: The earthquake hits the island of Hispaniola, there will be several hours of total and complete confusion, the 72 hour disease clock starts right now. Whatever communication infrastructure that was in Haiti is now inoperable. The American government knows it has to go in and help and calls the embassy and the Haitian government to asses if the docks are intact, can port control handle the increased traffic, can the boats get unloaded, if they can be unloaded will it clog the docks.

The military will want to know if the runway is intact, and if not, what is the longest portion of useable strip, and if air traffic control is capable of handling the massive amounts of flights that will be heading toward and leaving Haiti. How much fuel is at the airport, how much space to park planes on the tarmac, how much space to hold the supplies and people is useable at the airport. Possibly the single most important phase of this assessment is the conditions of the roads inland and a psychological evaluation of the population by day 2-4. If the roads are impassable, the supplies WILL stack up on the tarmac and on the docs and then no more supplies can be offloaded. If the roads are blocked and there is no way to get water from the docks to inland then all of the desalination that the US Navy can muster is a pointless exercise. There must be space to put materiel.

Orders for movement from CONUS are issued, the Americans are on their way. Confusion reigns in Haiti.

Day 2: Aircraft arrive at the airport and begin to offload, this is where space on the tarmac and in the warehouses becomes a premium. We can assume that the airport has no auto gas so arrangements have to be made for mechanical offloading and movement of pallets loads of goods. With each aircraft, more and more square feet are used up. During all of this, a survey of the roads and civil situation is occurring. Military will have to be already there to protect the supplies that have been offloaded. They will have to be on the convoys out to the affected areas as well. Looting may begin as the shock of the event wears off. If the looting is not quelled immediately and with force, the society may end up spiraling out of control.

The corpses of the dead have to be isolated NOW. They should be burned as soon as possible. Mass graves can be used, but incineration is the only way to avoid disease.

Day 3: If the docs are open and can handle the traffic, see airport operations on Day 2. In this case, the docs are useless and the ships cannot get in to offload because the cranes and port facilities have been obliterated. Ship born supplies are pointless right now, but ships will continue to head toward Haiti in the hopes that the materiel can get offloaded in the future. By this point, senior officials will arrive and do photo-op. Military will probably have to do another show of force somewhere very public to warn the looters and criminals again and to assure the population that there is security and that there will be help.

The docs are out of commission. Therefore, more aid will have to be flown in, putting more pressure on the airport and ground crews until a solution can be found to offload ships either elsewhere in Haiti or in the Dominican Republic where supplies can then be driven in if the roads are passable, or flown in and dropped via helicopter, placing even more stress on the air traffic control system. Aid flow is then already halved because of the collapsed ports.

Logistical control is difficult by this time if only one airport is open and there is no way to deliver supplies away from the local area. Flow control will revert backward in the chain to the next airports up the chain like Miami, Orlando, New Orleans. What will occur is that items that are needed on the ground in Haiti are stuck on the ground, off the island, and they cant be flown in until there is more room on the tarmac in Haiti. The goods have to flow in and out of the terminal point of the chain…all of the aid in the World is useless if it is sitting on a tarmac.

Day 4+ The tipping point: It is at this point that we see what the society is made of. Does everyone work together or is it anarchy? Will it be every man for himself, or will there be some order? Can the supplies make it form the airport to points inland? Have the roads been opened? What are the people doing, can they be organized to help? Can they be trusted to help. Security of the supplies and delivery over even marginal roads must begin to occur immediately or more pole will die from infection than died in the

The Human body can survive great lengths of time without food, it cannot survive very long without water. The sanitary conditions in Haiti were questionable at best before the earthquake, they are non existent now. The water, unless it comes from deep wells will be contaminated. The irony is that the poorest people that live inland and have their own water and food will be the least impacted by the destruction. Clean water and clean people are the key. Any exposed non-treated water, pooled water, human waste, and corpses, that have not been incinerated are now one giant disease vector. 72+ hours have passed, the microbes are now on the march and have multiplied rapidly, the 90F temperatures help the microbes greatly. People with skin breaching injuries will now show begin to show signs of massive infections. The non wounded will begin to get ill as well from the death soup that they have been drinking and walking around in.

The list of diseases that occur in this situation are as follows: malaria, measles, dissentary, hepatitis A, B, and C, Aids, Cryptosporidiosis, Enteroviruses, Escherichia coli (E. Coli), Leptospirosis, Legionnaires’ disease, MRSA, Norovirus, Rotavirus, Shigellosis, Tetanus, Toxoplasmosis, Tuberculosis, Cholera, West Nile, Giardiasis, and the list goes on and on.

I hope this helps with the understanding of what is occurring in Haiti. Pray for them.

Yele Haiti
American Red Cross

Friday, January 15, 2010, 12:53 PM

:::Thanks to reader DeLynn, we are able to get bits of information from a missionary friend of hers who is living through the nightmare of Haiti, and is communicating on facebook, as he can. Immediately below is Ed’s note for today, which I will keep on top, in italics. For the latest updates throughout the day, scroll below the italics. Please keep all of these people, and these trying to help them, and to bring medical care and relief, in your prayers. Times are tight, of course, but as we’ve been taught, giving in hard times counts for even more in God’s eyes.:::

Photo by Ed, “Students in front of their destroyed hut”

“Until the aftershocks stop, we are still stuck in the day this all started. It has all been one big long day to me.”

From Ed, in Haiti:

From Thursday Night: I’m getting ready to sign off. Laptop battery about dead. Manno is here with me and passes these words on to those of you reading this, “Sometimes some things difficult come into our lives. One thing we learn, it has showed us how many friends, brothers, and sisters we have in the world. Thank you for your prayers.” Goodnight.

8:20 AM Friday: — Had a decent sleep in the car last night. Was awakened by aftershocks several times. The house is still standing. The population continues to sleep outside in the streets. The main highway has thousands camping on it. The clean up process hasn’t really started significantly here. Until the aftershocks s…top, we are still stuck in the day this all started. It has all been one big long day to me.
A big issue for most people here now is trying to get news of loved ones. With the phones mostly still out and no power and little radio, most people are just waiting. Every day that goes by without news deepens the fears and despair. We have a girl with us right now, Lora, whose mother and sisters live in a part of PAP that was hit really hard. We cannot find any news of their fate.

For so many the waiting and not knowing is maddening. Students that have not come back from school. People that went to the store and haven’t been heard from since. With so bodies piling up in so many places, mass graves are being dug and many bodies are getting buried with no identification. Some people will never know.
As days go by, some will get some thrilling news that their families are alive and well, many, however, will only have their worst fears confirmed.

We just got news that Daphne, one of our kids that lives at the house, lost an uncle.

10:30 a.m. — We just got news that Lora’s mother and sisters are alive but that their house was destroyed. We do not know where they are but were told by neighbors that they had escaped.
We’re getting a yard full of crying folks. Gonna go for now…

Satellite Photos from Wired Magazine


Why?: Fr. Lorenzo Albacete writes

To what kind of God can one pray in such circumstances?

Only to that God who, as St. Paul wrote, “spared not his own Son” the pain of the cry of why. If he gave his Son to die for us, Paul argues, it is impossible that he should refuse us anything that will help or bless us, since he has nothing he values more than His Son (cf. Romans 8, 32). I do not want an explanation for why this God allows these tragedies to happen. An explanation would reduce the pain and suffering to an inability to understand, a failure of intelligence so to peak. I can only accept a God who “co-suffers” with me. Such is the God of the Christian faith.

Also, a slideshow: 6:02 PM

More from Mark Knoller on Twitter: State Dept says Haitian Prime Minister signed document granting US control of the Port au Prince airport. – 5:01 PM

Fr. James Martin: Did CNN Go too far?

When does coverage become exploitation? When one aid worker was pulled, after many hours, from the rubble of a collapsed building and collapsed into the arms of his rescuers, a CNN reporter raced up to him, almost tripped over himself, and asked that old chestnut, “How do you feel?” “How did it feel? How did it feel?” he asked the man, literally seconds after his harrowing experience. “Not good,” the aid worker said curtly.

when I was watching Dr. Sanjay Gupta last night tour the hospitals and point out the wounded, I wanted to say to the network, “Put the cameras down and let him be a doctor.” No doubt he was able to treat the poor men and women afterwards. But, more troublingly, the network also filmed him treating a 15-day-old baby in front of the baby’s father, another intensely private moment that could just as easily have been described, not shown.

Read the whole thing. Martin praises the press, but wonders (rightly) about where the lines are drawn. He ends with a prayer. Yes. Let us all pray. – 4:56 PM

Via Twitter: Hillary is going to Haiti to assess. – 4:42 PM

Cremating bodies in the streets (H/T Lucianne):

Although doctors, rescue teams and supplies had been flying into the capital, Port au Prince, a series of bottlenecks meant aid was not getting to those who needed it most.

Even the most stoic Haitians began to express frustration at the continued lack of help on the fourth day of their ordeal, and in one part of the capital corpses were piled up to build roadblocks in protest at the delays.

The problem has been worsened by the complete destruction of Port-au-Prince’s main prison, where almost all of the 4,000 inmates survived the earthquake and are now roaming the streets.

Rescuers have been told to stop work when it gets dark because of fears they will be attacked.

“Our biggest problem is security,” said Delfin Antonio Rodriguez, rescue commander for the Dominican Republic. “Yesterday they tried to hijack some of our trucks. Today we were barely able to work in some places because of that. There’s looting and people with guns out there, because this country is very poor and people are desperate.”

Pierre Jackson, who is desperate for medical help for his mother and sister who both have crushed legs, said: “We’ve been out here waiting for three days and three nights but nothing has been done for us. What should we do?”

Read the whole thing. As we have seen before
, rescuing stricken people, bringing medical aid and food and water to them is no easy task; it’s not a snap of the fingers. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better over there, and if President Obama does not quickly assign someone to lead -someone who can talk to the Haitian people and reassure them, but who also has credibility with the international community, and experience with managing a crisis- then things are going to spin out of control very quickly. What is already sounding like hell-on-earth will become a place we cannot even imagine.

For crying out loud, Mr. President, what are you waiting for? Send someone to LEAD in Haiti. Send Rudy; send Petraus. These people need someone they can look to and believe -an experienced crisis manager- while they wait for the help that is trying to get through! Let’s Pray. – 4:33 PM

Michael Yon on Facebook:

The Haiti situation worsens. It’s very important not to go there without understanding the sincere dangers. This is for the military and those with them. The biggest danger will become the same desparate people you want to help.

He links to this disturbing story We’re sending 10,000 troops4:01 PM

Playing the Stingy-America Card: Nicholas Kristof writes this morning:

The United States contributes $2.32 per American to Haiti each year. That’s much less than other countries do, even though Haiti is in our hemisphere and has historic close ties to the U.S. For example, Canada contributes $12.13 per person to Haiti annually, and Norway sends $8.44. Other countries that contribute more, per capita, to Haiti than the U.S. are Luxembourg, Sweden, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Spain and Belgium. True, there are more Americans, so collectively our aid amounts to more than one-quarter of the pot in Haiti, but that’s only because we’re such a big country. Given the per capita sums, we have no right to be bragging about our generosity in Haiti.

This afternoon he adjusts his numbers a bit (and the Times changes the headline):

First, a fact check. In 2008, the most recent year for which we have figures, the United States donated 92 cents per American to Haiti. Granted, any year can fluctuate, so look at three-year totals. The United States contributed $2.32 per American to Haiti over the last three years for which we have data (about 80 cents a year).

$250 Million a year is a great deal less than the $705 Million a year in his erroneous morning report, but there are other factors Kristof needs to consider, and I will be writing about them, later. – 3:42 PM

300,000 displaced. I am surprised it’s not more. -3:34 PM

Aristide: Wants back in. Bad idea, I think. -3:15 PM

Corpses piling up. As I said here and here in the post below, it seems to me President Obama needs to send a pro-tempore leader into Port au Prince, and he needs to do it yesterday. The Haitian people need someone -a real person, who can communicate a real sense of calm and competence- to look to, right now, because things are going to degenerate very quickly. I’m still thinking that person needs to be Rudy. – 12:14 PM

Mona Charen:

We don’t maintain the world’s largest military to provide humanitarian relief. But those who disdain our military power may want to say a private prayer of thanksgiving that we make the sacrifices to maintain it — if only because in cases such as this, there is no substitute for a military response. After the 2004 tsunami, when ports and roads were destroyed, the U.S. deployed 15,000 troops, a carrier task force, and a Marine expeditionary force. This flotilla supervised the delivery of tents, water, food, medicine, and other supplies to Indonesia and Thailand before any other aid could arrive. The chief of naval operations at the time, Adm. Mike Mullen, noted with justifiable pride: “We literally built a city at sea for no other purpose than to serve the needs of other people.”

I’m proud of America, too -12:02 PM

David Brooks: The Poverty of Haiti also the Marines are preparing to deploy - 11:53 AM

Chuck Simmins: FEMA Report on Haiti relief for January 1511:40 AM

Tales from the Climategate Crypt and The Good Charles

by snork ( 101 Comments › )
Filed under Crime, Global Warming Hoax at January 15th, 2010 - 6:00 am

Something’s up. I’m not sure exactly what, but the police in the UK may be hitting a brick wall, and are breathing down some necks here. Today, two threads broke on two different blogs. Here, on ClimateAudit, Steve Mc recapped the sequence of events back in November surrounding the release of the leaked files into the internet wilds. His recount of events centered around the involvement of one Steve Mosher, one of the CA regulars, and the other major players.

Meanwhile over at WhatsUpWithThat, a fellow heretofore known as “CTM” (Charles the Moderator) “comes out”. Because of the way the events unfolded, CTM was one of the first people to get his hands on the leaked file, and had to sit on it for a couple of days while Anthony Watts returned from Europe, and could assess the situation.

CTM, as it turns out, is Charles Rotter of San Fransisco. Steve Mosher’s roommate. He had been simply anonymous “Charles”, but circumstances have made him decide to out himself. This, of course, explains how it is that Steve got a copy of the file so early on, and the fact that Charles decided to out himself tells me that someone has been breathing down both of their necks. No need for conspiracy theories; they laid it all out there.

As if this isn’t enough of a detective novel yet (and rumor has it that there’s a book in the works!), Mosher plunked this comment in his thread at CA:

Steven Mosher

Posted Jan 13, 2010 at 2:39 PM | Permalink | Reply

From our side of the story we have divulged ll we know.

From Charles first finding the file in moderation at WUWT evening Nov17th His call to me went out at 7:02PM [ PST; 10:02 Eastern: SMc ] to my work with the file from shortly after that time until Nov 19th 11:55 PSt [3:55 pm Eastern] when I posted to lucia.

Steve has told his story. Charles his. Jeff, lucia, Anthony has given me quotes for the book. bender even came forward. No need for the police to do any more interviews. Unless, they are interested in other things like my funding. So, You hear that Norwich police? if you want to “solve” the crime everything I know is now posted on the internet. If you want to know if I’m supported by anybody? well first off none of your damn  business, and secondly no.

Now. What does gavin know?

Well, what does Gavin know? It seems like everyone else involved, on four blogs on the skeptical side have placed their cards down on the table. And now they’re openly telling the Norwich police that it’s all out there, and there’s no more. So the only other party involved in the release of the file (as opposed to a different bunch implicated in the emails themselves) is Gavin Schmidt.

Obviously the principals in this tale know things that you and I don’t know, and they’re trying to put Gavin in a corner. What does this all mean? I. Don’t. Know. Not a clue. But this isn’t happening for no reason, and I think it’s a safe bet that the butler’s about to start confessing.
read more ›

11,746 posted on 01/15/2010 3:38:19 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Catholic Groups Outraged After Martha Coakley Tells Them to Find New Work

Martha Coakley's Convictions [role played in a notorious sex case raises questions]

The story of the Amiraults ... If the sound of ghostly laughter is heard in Massachusetts these days as this campaign rolls on, with Martha Coakley self-portrayed as the guardian of justice and civil liberties, there is good reason.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What To Do If Coakley Loses (From Jonathan "I hate the way Bush walks" Chait

The Leftists are just such shameless liars. There is a GOP plan. Right here

Health Care Bill Exempts Amish (and unions, and congress) - “religious conscience exemption”

Senate Can Pass Health With 51 Votes, Van Hollen Says (DRUDGE siren!)

Obama grabs prime role in Haiti rescue (driven by acute moral,humanitarian,nat'l security impulses)

An Israeli Preventive Attack on Iran's Nuclear Sites: Implications for the U.S.

H1N1 is 'global scam': Expert (but you already knew this)

Porn video on highway billboard shocks drivers

Rasmussen: Three different Republicans within six points of Boxer in California

11,747 posted on 01/15/2010 4:08:35 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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'Obama is radioactive in polls'

Dems Announce Plans to Ram Through Obamacare with 51 Votes if Scott Brown Wins

So, what part of "democratic republic" ( We, the people, hire you to represent us... ) don't you all "get?"

Democrats Accuse Brown of 'Radical' Ties as Senate Election Nears [Tea Party Tie-in]

"If all they can do is call him names, the election is over. They haven't made the case for Martha Coakley."

Obama in Desperation, Heads to Massachusetts (Obama's Lollapalooza)

This comes as Democrats have just dumped MILLIONS of dollars more into the race.  Check out these 24-hour filings from the FEC from Planned Parenthood, the League of Conservation Voters, and big unions:

And that's not all.  This news report just out documents some of the millions of dollars that Democrats have dumped into the race this week to defeat Scott Brown.  It's astounding. 

So 0bama just gives a *speech* about Haiti, but goes in person to a race in MA?!

Obama is going to MASS because.......

(wait for it)........

the GOLF COURSE in HAITI is closed...

Coakley Admits She ‘Looked the Other Way’ on Immigration Law (video)

Haitians in country illegally can stay (Tragedy gives Obama excuse to ignore the law)

Didn't I say "America is in the hands of the Looters & Pillagers & Plunderers of society?"

PHOTOS: Earthquake hits Haiti [See Pic #7: Looter With Obama T-Shirt]

"Haiti earthquake
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / January 15, 2010)

A man taking part in the looting of a downtown Port-au-Prince store wears an Obama T-shirt "

Certain Destruction Ahead For United States As Tsunami Of Illegal Aliens Continues - Amnesty Is Next

Need poll watchers, election judges, other volunteers for Brown, keep fraud out of this election

What can Scott Brown do for Dems? UPS ships off legal salvo

Shoot yourself in the foot for the 1,000th time. Is this frazzled woman trying to lose on purpose?

It's starting to look like it. No terrorists in Afghanistan? Curt Schilling a Yankee fan? Dissing people who'd like to meet the candidates, whatever the weather? Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms? Infringement of UPS' trade dress/slogan? Using the WTC in a campaign ad? Misspelling the name of her own state? Having closed-door big donor dinners with health industry lobbyists? No living thing could be this stupid...I hope Brown beats her like a bongo drum on Tuesday.

Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls


On Martha Coakley: Send To Your Friends On The Fence In The Senate Race (Debbie Schlussel Alert)

As you may know, Dorothy, who does great investigative reporting, has been on the case of the outrageous, trumped up prosecution of the Amirault Family of Massachusetts and has exposed it as baseless in her reporting over the last three decades. The Amiraults–hard-working, successful people who busted their asses to get off of welfare and make something of themselves–were sent to prison on ridiculous, phony, coached child molestation charges, without a shred of evidence. And Martha Coakley, as a prosecutor, was chief among those who destroyed that innocent family. Debbie Schlussel ^
OMG! It's deja vu all over again! Doesn't this sound exactly like what Janet Reno did as a prosecutor in Florida? She got famous from fawning media coverage of her grandstanding in a bogus "Protect the chidren!" case like this one, eventually catching Bill & Hillary's attention. It took years for the truth to come out, with her entire case eventually being discredited, but by that time it didn't matter to her career any more (and the media paid little to no attention to the debunking of her), as she'd already leveraged her fame into higher office.

How to Extort a Confession [Gerald Amirault] From April 22, 2002

Just familiarizing myself with the Gerald Amirault/Amirault Family case and Martha Coakley and came across this from FR from 2002:

How to Extort a Confession (Original Thread from April 2002)

Team Obama Keeps Pushing to Take Over the Internet

Analysis of Obama’s Psychological Make-Up

What is eerie about this article is that it was published in September of 2008, and yet has accurately predicted the course of events for this administration. If the pattern is to be believed, we are presently in the phase where the people finally see through the charade to the emptiness within, and begin to turn away. If the author is correct, this is yielding a severe injury of mind that may ultimately express itself in a rage never before seen in an American president.

I Said Obama Could Turn Out To Be America's Tony Blair - Just A Vacuous Showman.

Colossal Miscalculation On Health Care

Moms As Sole Breadwinners Reach Record High

Hope you like that Change you voted in to office, 0-Merica...

In Obama's speeches, one favorite phrase: 'Let me be clear'

...the slot Soros uses to insert his data disc...

 Debunking Anti-Anti-Islamist Myths
My contribution to the oeuvre of radical Islamist alarmism was my 2005 book, “The West’s Last Chance,” which, by the way, predicted the terrorist attack in London, Muslim riots in Paris, worldwide violent Muslim reaction to blasphemous Western artistic representations and the emergence of growing acquiescence to Sharia law in the West.

It is hard to know whether the authors (and the majority elite opinion they represent) don’t get it, or don’t want to get it.

A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism

The IRS Should Fix Itself First (Instead of clamping down on Tax Preparation Services)

A Critical Perspective on Climategate: Atmospheric scientist John Christy on the East Anglia e-mails

 Carbon credits a scam to be feared

Long-Dead Inventor Nikola Tesla Is Electrifying Hip Techies - His Name Is Branding Magic; Thomas...

You're a 'gay' man, Charlie Brown (Homo Play)

In praise of… Neanderthal man (we have all been guilty of defaming them as half-wits)

11,748 posted on 01/16/2010 2:08:08 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Dems Announce Plans to Ram Through Obamacare with 51 Votes if Scott Brown Wins
Friday, January 15, 2010, 7:58 PM
Jim Hoft

Democrats tonight announced that they will likely ram Obamacare through the US Senate using the reconciliation process. This would allow democrats to nationalize one-sixth of the US economy wiith only 51 Senate Democrats voting for the bill.

(H/T ColdOne)

Bloomberg reported:

Even if Democrats lose the special election to pick a new Massachusetts senator Tuesday, Congress may still pass health-care overhaul through a process called reconciliation, a top House Democrat said.

That procedure requires 51 votes rather than the 60 needed to prevent Republicans from blocking votes on President Barack Obama’s top legislative priorities. That supermajority is at risk as the Massachusetts race has tightened.

“Even before Massachusetts and that race was on the radar screen, we prepared for the process of using reconciliation,” Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said.

“Getting health-care reform passed is important,” Van Hollen said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend. “Reconciliation is an option.”

Should Democrats take that route, the legislation would have to be scaled back because of Senate rules.

He also said he expects Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley to win in Massachusetts.

Van Hollen said Republican predictions that the political climate had changed so much that they can capture the 40 seats needed to regain control of the House was “pure hallucination.”

More… Martha Coakley’s internal poll for Thursday night showed her trailing Scott Brown by three points — 47 to 44 percent.

11,749 posted on 01/16/2010 2:40:42 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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That’s nice, but I note that Coakley’s still favored on Intrade. Nice polls kid — don’t get cocky.

Lead Story

Beware: SEIU’s Purple Army marches on Massachusetts

By Michelle Malkin  •  January 15, 2010 11:21 AM

They’ve dumped nearly a $1 million of rank-and-file dues into Martha Antoinette Coakley’s coffers.

They “pulled out all the stops” before the primary and they’ll be throwing all their ground troops into the Bay State over the weekend.

We know how the SEIU thugs operate. I told you in Culture of Corruption about Andy Stern’s organizational motto: “[W]e prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.”

They’ll go after Boy Scouts.

And baby-sitters.

And home health-care providers.

They raided their treasury to pour $60-$80 million into Obama and the Democrats’ 2008 campaigns.

They’re not about to roll over and play nice while their 60-vote supermajority slips away.

Hotline On Call reports on the SEIU’s mobilization this weekend. Where are the counterforces?

SEIU has stepped up its involvement in MA in the waning days of the race, sending hundreds of volunteers and hundreds of thousands of dollars to the state on behalf of AG Martha Coakley (D).

The union, one of the most powerful arrows in the Dem quiver, is spending $685K on TV ads touting Coakley and slamming state Sen. Scott Brown (R), and a spokesperson for SEIU says it will have 300 volunteers on the ground on Tuesday.

The heightened activity has some GOPers on edge, and at least one group is worried SEIU could be taking over for ACORN as a top organizational tool benefiting Dem candidates.

“This whole thing is turnout, and this looks like the place the SEIU-ACORN folks turn on the turnout machine. They did it in Minnesota, successfully,” said David Norcross, chair of the Republican National Lawyers Association.

The RNLA will send its own volunteers to MA for Election Day, with plans to monitor polling places to prevent any fraud. The group got a tip that SEIU-sponsored buses would be taking voters to the polls, Norcross said.


Good idea for counterforces: The local police unions that spurned Coakley for Brown.

Let’s hope the Eric Holder-approved New Black Panther Party thugs aren’t on those SEIU buses.

Speaking of the New Black Panthers, Main Justice spotlights Malik Shabazz’s latest racist rant.

I’m surprised he hasn’t received an Obama czar appointment yet.

Posted in: SEIU
MARTHA AND SCOTT: Was it “Rape-Rape?”

JIM TREACHER IS HELPING OUT THE DEMS WITH Some ideas for knocking that pesky Scott Brown out of the Massachusetts race.

UPDATE: A Coakley Flickr Fail. Yeah, Bill Clinton doesn’t look real convincing here. Who chooses these?

Of course, this one is only marginally more flattering. And this one is no prize. . .

Just a gal sitting in our living room in our virtual pajamas.

Just a gal sitting in our living room in our virtual pajamas


Who are we that Jim Oliphant of the LA Times/Tribune Papers would cold call us for a phone interview this afternoon on what the heck is really going on here in Massachusetts below the radar? Well, he tells us he did a google search for "scott brown," and there we were above the fold, right below Scott Brown's own campaign site. We've been blogging our tea-partying heart out about Hottie McAwesome since December 9, the day after our native son won the primary. Oliphant's article comes out Sunday. Watch this space.

"For Democrats, it's a nightmarish scenario: A Republican appears to be within striking distance of capturing the Senate seat of the late Edward Kennedy," writes LA Times correspondent James Oliphant, at sea somewhere in the wilds of Gloucester, Massachusetts — the magical landscape of our childhood summers — when he called us out of the blue this afternoon. Just a gal sitting in our living room in our virtual pajamas, we were swept off our slippered feet, of course.


Caption from our September 2004 post "To sleep perchance to blog": Classic pajama in silky satin charmeuse with a subtle luster. An everyday luxury, for sleeping or blogging, from Victoria's Secret.

Oliphant's looking for some local color, perhaps, in this story of a lifetime. We gave him all we've got, and who knows how it will play out in his column Sunday morning? Portrayed by astroturfing leftists as phony baloney, we New England tea partiers are the real thing, grassroots seekers of wisdom and truth horrified at how the international progressivists inside the corridors of power are trying to turn the lights out on this Shining City Upon a Hill. As we told Jim — may we call you Jim? — when he mentioned the hope-and-change optimism of so many of our clueless fellow Americans a year ago, the hope and change are here, but not quite in the way Barack Obama imagined. We owe him for reawakening this sleeping giant just in time to bring the nation back to its senses, starting with electing Scott Brown to the people's seat on Tuesday, January 19. If you're with us, click here to contribute and/or volunteer in the final countdown. Even if we win, there's no guarantee the vox populi will be heard, of course:

Even if Democrats lose the special election to pick a new Massachusetts senator Tuesday, Congress may still pass health-care overhaul through a process called reconciliation, a top House Democrat said.

That procedure requires 51 votes rather than the 60 needed to prevent Republicans from blocking votes on President Barack Obama’s top legislative priorities. That supermajority is at risk as the Massachusetts race has tightened.

“Even before Massachusetts and that race was on the radar screen, we prepared for the process of using reconciliation,” Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said.

Maybe we've never been tempted, but we just don't get how these people can face themselves in the morning light.

Update: Instalanche! Sweet dreams, professor.

Update II: "For now we are the revolution," writes Dan Riehl with a link and a bit of savory philosophizing:

From my earliest days blogging, what excited me most was the ability of the medium to democratize news and information, as well as politics. Just imagine how many more people are getting politically active today - in groups and through relationships that couldn't have existed not long ago.

Update III: Lots more hits and intelligent eyeballs from Michelle Malkin's Buzzworthy!

11,750 posted on 01/16/2010 4:42:09 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Bam, Rudy stump for critical Mass.

Inside Martha Coakley

A long read, but I felt a need to research why people are saying she is such a scumbag. Read this, and you will know.
Watch this:
First time visitor? Learn more.

Democrats Yank Ad for the Massachusetts Senate race

by Rodan ( 42 Comments › )
Filed under Liberal Fascism, Progressives at January 16th, 2010 - 8:00 am

This is one of the most disgusting ads ever aired. The Progressives will stop at nothing to win this election. After 9/11 the Left accused the Right of using 9/11 as a weapon. Well this is another case of projection. They have run an add attacking the republican Candidate Brown, by using the World Trade Center image. This is a dirty Alinsky tactic and a sign they are desperate.

With the Massachusetts Senate race now in anybody’s guess territory, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has gone up with another advertisement – but not without a little difficulty.

An original version of the ad, which blasts Republican candidate Scott Brown for opposing President Obama’s efforts to rein in Wall Street, had to be yanked after people complained that it contained an image of the World Trade Center. A revised version has been posted online and has also been sent to television stations in Massachusetts, a spokesman for the D.S.C.C. said.

Read the rest.

Here is the Ad.

VIDEO AT LINK dagnabbit!

They are attacking Corporate greed by using images of the WTC? Are they justifying the Imperialist attack on them. This shows the low quality of humans Progressives are.

To New England readers of The Blogmocracy:

Patriots in the states surrounding Mass need to help watch for buses coming from out of state on Interstates into Mass on Tuesday, election day. I would follow and videotape any bus coming in from out of state; follow it and if it drops off people in the blocks surrounding a polling place, videotape them going to the polling booths and post it on YouTube.  Get the license plate # of any coach bus coming into the state with “illegal voters” and we can investigate and see who rented the bus!

DAN RIEHL: How An Army Of Davids Could Win MA For Scott Brown.

And, yeah, the polls look good for Brown, but don’t get cocky. Remember, if it’s not close, they can’t cheat.

If Brown Wins The Dems Could Still Pass ObamaCare; We Need To Keep Our Eyes On The Ball

Mark Steyn: The Obama Agenda on the Precipice

It’s not just the money. The notion that the IRS should be able to seize your assets if you don’t arrange your health care to the approval of the federal government represents the de facto nationalization of your body, which is about as primal an assault on individual liberty as one could devise.

As Michael Barone observed, “the educated class” was dazzled by style, the knuckledragging morons are talking about substance.

WOW! Purple Shirted SEIU Members Holding Signs at Standout

They know Coakley is toast. She's behind in the polls, on Intrade, her campaign is lifeless, and the President is putting in a stopover - and the unions don't even like her...

Lynn Samuels (liberal radio host) endorses Scott Brown

Democrats Fret That the Public Is Dissatisfied

Mr. Bayh said. “I don’t think the American people last year voted for higher taxes, higher deficits and a more intrusive government. But there’s a perception that that is what they are getting.” ----------------------------- Not perception. It's reality. And by the way, Mr. Bayh, we don't like to be dismissed, ridiculed and lied to. We don't like to be profiled as potential terrorists and described as an unruly mob of racists. We don't like the arm twisting, extortion tactics and general bullying from government when dealing with the private sector. We don't like the backroom wheeling and dealing at our expense, bribes included. We don't like much of anything coming from this congress and this executive branch.
39 posted on Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:10:04 PM by Joan Kerrey

No Western Assault Rapists in Oslo's Streets (Rape jihad of blondes continues in Norway)

Matchbook Diploma Environmental Experts in California

by snork ( 66 Comments › )
Filed under Crime, Economy, Global Warming Hoax, Science, Technology at January 16th, 2010 - 5:00 am

For those who’ve wondered where policy originates, here’s a story of a very expensive environmental initiative in California, placed there by an ‘expert’ with a PhD in Statistics, who’s studied the public health consequences of diesel exhaust, and concluded that draconian measures need to be taken to clean up the exhaust from diesel engines that we’ve been living with for decades (yo Savage, are you listening?).

Anyone who is familiar with diesel technology knows that in the 1990s, diesel injection technology was revolutionized with the development of electronic high-pressure injection. Ever noticed that you rarely see the big clouds of black smoke that were once common from diesel engines? That’s the main reason why.

So it’s not as if this is an area where there’s been no progress. Regardless, environmentalists still think diesels are icky (even though they get better mileage than their beloved hybrids), and want to turn the screws on them. So how to you build a case for action when there isn’t one? The same way environmentalists do everything: they fake it.

The “expert” has a PhD in applied statistics from Thornhill University. Where is Thornhill University, you ask? Good question. The internet doesn’t know. From the first link, it seems to be registered to Israeli Avrohom Mondrowitz, who according to Haaretz:

As far as the Israel Police know, Mondrowitz is currently devoting most of his energy, in the many leisure hours at his disposal, to the Internet. There he gratifies his deviant inclinations by watching clips of sadistic activity and pedophilic material. In his remaining time he makes a living by issuing bogus academic degrees to all comers, particularly to students from the Third World. He has emblems and logos from various universities, as well as seals, examples of signatures and registration forms. He refers most of the students to Thornhill University, in London, which grants degrees by correspondence and has a branch in Brooklyn.

Eek. This is where our environmental policy is coming from. And the problem is broader than California, because several other states have adopted California’s emissions standards, so whenever California’s Assembly adopts a new law, it’s automatically adopted in these other states, such as Washington.

We’re being ruled by crooks, charlatans, fanatics, and fools.

Hat tip: Mrs. Robinson

Is everybody just speechless?

Here’s a link to some official papers:

This mess has been known about since April.

Here’s the link to firefox version of the pdf that you can view it online:

I don’t know if it works for everyone…
Holy cow, it’s not April 2009 when they knew…it’s not even in 2009! It’s 2007.

Global Warmists Feel a Chilly Wind

Climategate goes American: NOAA, GISS and the mystery of the vanishing weather stations

Liberal Belief in Fairy Tales is not Limited to Global Warming

Liberals live in a fantasy bubble where all us conservatives are lowbrow wife beaters or slack-jawed hicks with tobacco juice dribbling down our chins.  We're uneducated and superstitious; just look at how many of us go to church!  Meanwhile, enlightened liberals constitute America's cognoscenti and intelligentsia.

Well, Michael Graham has written a brilliant article that bursts that irrational bubble.


11,751 posted on 01/16/2010 12:01:25 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Saturday, January 16, 2010, 1:52 PM
Jim Hoft

The (democ)rats are jumping ship.

One of five democrats in Massachusetts are going with Scott Brown.

And, there’s more bad news for democrat Martha Coakley…
Scott Brown is leading in the absentee voting 58-42. 9% of registered voters said they have already cast a ballot.
Real Clear Politics reported:

Coakley loses one-in-five Democrats to Brown, while the Republican state senator has 94 percent of Republicans behind him. Brown has a commanding 58-37 advantage among “unenrolled” voters, mainly independents and those who prefer not to register affiliation with the major parties.

A trend worth noting as well: 9 percent of voters say they’d already cast a ballot through absentee voting. Brown leads Coakley among this group 58-42.

BIG UPDATE—- Scott Brown is holding a press conference at 4:00 PM EST.
(From contacts in Massachusetts)
He may sue the Democratic Party for using his picture on ads as a UPS driver.
Red Mass has the document:

January 16, 2010 617-335-8333


Dan Winslow, counsel for the Scott Brown for U.S. Senate campaign, will hold a media availability to announce the filing of a criminal complaint against the Massachusetts Democratic Party regarding a recent mailing paid for and sent by the Massachusetts Democratic Party. Winslow will make a statement and take reporters’ questions at MassGOP Headquarters in Boston TODAY at 4:00 PM.

Massachusetts GOP Headquarters
85 Merrimac Street, 4th Floor

Wow! Just WOW!

It’s because of this mail ad

UPS is not happy that the Democratic Party campaign pamphlet attacking Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown used the company’s slogan “What can Brown do for you?”
Evidently, the Scott Brown Camp is also not happy about this.

It looks like it’s time for the democrats to play defense… Can’t wait to see Obama on stage tomorrow now.

11,752 posted on 01/16/2010 12:33:16 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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COAKLEY CAMPAIGN getting desperate. Also, busing in SEIU folks.

UPDATE: More thoughts from Dan Riehl and William Jacobson.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Busing in those SEIU folks just might backfire. Or maybe this explains why they’ve got to bring ‘em in from out of state, when there ought to be plenty of SEIU folks right there in Massachusetts.

BUT STILL, DON’T GET COCKY: Scott Brown pulls ahead on Intrade.

Video: “Massachusetts Miracle”

January 16, 2010 10:15 AM by Michelle Malkin89 Comments

This is very similar to the Tea Party video a high school student made:

Don’t you all remember this one?

Hopi- CHANGI: Ohio Democrat Steve Driehaus Losing To Steve Chabot 39% to 56%. “A new SurveyUSA poll sponsored by Firedoglake shows incumbent Democrat Steve Driehaus substantially behind former Republican Congressman Steve Chabot in Ohio’s 1st congressional district. If the election were held today, Chabot would beat Driehaus in a head-to-head match up, 56% to 39%.”

Related: Did Firedoglake Take Out Vic Snyder? “Rep. Vic Snyder (D-Ark.) announced his retirement today, mixed–but mostly dire–news for Democrats, who were hopeful that he could hold on and defeat his likely, scandal-tainted GOP opponent Tim Griffin. One of the possible reasons for the retirement? A poll conducted by SurveyUSA, paid for by the progressive blog Firedoglake, which tested negative messages about the health care reform bill and whether it made voters sour on Snyder.”

Poll: Independents abandoning Deval Patrick in droves (Massachusetts)

Massachussetts' mini-Obama looks set to be toast...

Dems Weigh Other Options for Passing Health Care if GOP Wins Kennedy's Seat [Nuclear Option Open]

MSNBC's Ed Schultz: If Brown Wins "Kennedy Seat", it's the "End of 'Change' as We Know It" - Video

Child Rapist Had Support in High Places

How did she ever get elected to AG?


The Capability Checklist Project  I just found the site today very interesting and well done. They are careful who they let into the main site No yhoo htmail addy's allowed. There is a probationary period I guess it keeps the slackers and nuts out.
Check this article It is a dang scary thing.

Why is Haiti so poor? A history of quake-hit island (Was once France’s richest colonial possession)

Is It Time to End the U.N.?

The view from abroad

There is a global economic rebound afoot; but not for the United States. There will not be as long as there remains little or no international confidence in the economic policies (particularly the unimaginable debt being incurred) as pursued by the Obama Administration. I do not expect any meaningful recovery and job creation for at least three years. Meanwhile the rest of the world will march on without us....As for our overweening President, the bloom is definitely off the rose in most circles in Europe. Nearly every conversation eventually gets to his incompetence, arrogance and demeanor.

Obama is killing the economy: Democratic red ink is bankrupting America

Negotiators Shape Final Health Care Bill (Welcome to Federal takeover of healthcare)

Obama, The Emperor, Has No Clothes: We’ve Reached The Tipping Point And His Programs Must Be Stopped

Hope And Change's Backlash (MUST SEE YOUTUBE CLIP!)

My only comment: Youtube appears to have taken this down several times, but it keeps reappearing. I found several incantations along with people hosting the raw FLV file.

This appears to be created by some rather angry Democrats, and is one of the things I expected to start to see this year.

You better start listening to the people Washington. Youtube is today's version of handbills nailed to trees in the dark of night - in 1775. Ripping down the handbills does not make them go away when the people are pissed - it makes them multiply and the people begin to consider that the first box of freedom - speech - may no longer be effective.

God forbid the path that could lead us toward.

America Rising: An Open Letter To The Democrats


"Democrat Pat Caddell said it best: 'The American people are coming..and they’re coming for you.'”

What are they gonna do- ban us all? Well, I wouldn’t put it past them, but we can’t just sit back and do nothing- we need to fight back.

If you want to download the original video and re-post it, you can do so at my website.. --
“Zimbabwe on the Potomac”

”Zimbabwe On The Potomac...”

You know there were warning signs...

I kept telling people when Bill Clinton slithered in to office, and clung to it, despite all the scandals, and Impeachment itself-- “He's just a symptom. Like a fever is of a disease- there's something wrong with America.”

Like Popular Culture- look at the magazines-- I call it “thugs & jugs,” or “which Pop Tart is popping out whose baby this week?”

Or Katrina- ever seen so many people milling around with their hands out, when they should have been helping themselves?

We did it to ourselves, and The New, Improved Black Jesus is merely a symptom.

All civilizations have a shelf life- once enough citizens figure out that by electing the “right” representatives, they can use the power of the government to pick the pockets of others,'s all over, except for the details.

Well, we're in the “details,” now.

Meanwhile, I have to figure out what Miss Emily and I do with what's left of our lives, and bush hog her Mom's old place in the country, because City Life isn't going to be worth living from here on out.

I'll catch you all later...


Better Dead than Disabled?

Transparency? Nothing About Obama Is On The Level

Anjem Choudary: I’m Smiling Because Sharia Is Coming [UK]

The Democrats are doomed. What better time to tackle climate change? (These rats are suicidal!)

The Sound Of Settled Science

Via Cjunk, a story I've been planning to feature for some time. "Disappeared" - The Case Of The Vanishing Thermometers

In Canada the number of stations dropped from 600 to 35 in 2009. The percentage of stations in the lower elevations (below 300 feet) tripled and those at higher elevations above 3000 feet were reduced in half. Canada’s semi-permanent depicted warmth comes from interpolating from more southerly locations to fill northerly vacant grid boxes, even as a pure average of the available stations shows a COOLING. Just 1 thermometer remains for everything north of latitude 65N – that station is Eureka. Eureka according to Wikipedia has been described as “The Garden Spot of the Arctic” due to the flora and fauna abundant around the Eureka area, more so than anywhere else in the High Arctic. Winters are frigid but summers are slightly warmer than at other places in the Canadian Arctic.

In case you missed that: "Just 1 thermometer remains for everything north of latitude 65N – that station is Eureka."

The Chiefio recounts how Canadian thermometers were "taken out and shot".

Here we see the typical thermometers spreading out with modernity, until 2009. Something strange happens then. When numbers in averages change by a lot, we must look at detail. What does the detail of the last two decades look like?

It's a lengthy analysis, but if your name rhymes with "Lorrie Goldstein" or "Terence Corcoran", I suspect you'll find it a useful one.

Posted by Kate at 11:46 AM| Comments (25)

11,753 posted on 01/16/2010 4:08:04 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
UH OH: Hotline: MA SEN Shows Similarities To ‘09 VA GOV.
"MSNBC host Ed Schultz is actually encouraging viewers in Massachusetts to cheat by trying to vote repeatedly--he suggests "10 times"--for Coakley. And the SEIU union thugs are on the way to Massachusetts to crack skulls, intimate voters, lie, cheat and steal every vote they can.
This is what we're up against, folks."
SCOTT BROWN FOR SENATE is calling for volunteer attorneys. There will be attempted vote fraud by some Democrats in the Brown/Coakley Senate race. There is a lot at stake. If you are lawyer who can volunteer in Massachusetts on January 19, go to the link and sign up now, or please forward this link if you know a lawyer who lives in Massachusetts or can be there on election day.

A revolt in Camelot

by Speranza ( 43 Comments › )
Filed under Elections 2010, Politics at January 16th, 2010 - 11:00 am

The thing about Scott Brown that I admire is that he is not running as Democrat Lite (RINO).  However, I strongly suspect that if he wins that he will move to the center because he is still in Massachusetts and he wants to be reelected.... Read the rest.

"...make no mistake. this is about ZerØ, in a big way."

Brown "surge" extends to InTrade -- now at 54, surged 10 in previous day trading

—Purple Avenger

brown intrade chart

The price seems a little rich at this point. If I had some of that action at 10, I'd probably be selling at this point just to protect profits. Fraud could still be a big factor.

Oh my...the dem Praetorian Guard is in revolt. Some SEIU members are demonstrating FOR Brown. Ballsy move.

[UPDATE] The CØakley campaign summarized in an 18 second video

Continue reading

Posted by Purple Avenger at 05:33 PM New Comments Thingy


Just got back from Coakley events in Gloucester and then Newburyport.  In both cases, the Brown people far outnumbered the Coakley people. 

Coakley is being carted around in a sedan with blacked out windows.  She had to walk through a crowd of Brown supporters chanting "GO SCOTT BROWN" as she entered the Chamber of Commerce in Gloucester.  There were empty parking spaces at the event.  She arrived in a sedan with blacked out windows and was whisked away with the same crowd chanting.  The only way in and out of town is through this crazy intersection which was blanketed with Brown supporters.

In Newburyport there were even more Brown people standing along the bridge which looks down onto Michael's Harborside restaurant as well as both sides of the entrance to the place, across the street.  The horns and people yelling support was incredible.

41 What a difference a year makes.

Would you say it's Unprecedented?

71 Purple ball-dipping ink!  It's not just for voting anymore...

Meet Scott Brown, great right hope


Click on the picture for a video that is inspirational and uplifting ! (Then go here ).

Barney Frank says that if Brown wins the MA race, Øbamacare is dead. "RomneyCare is not a big hit in Mass, and RomneyCare is the bankrupt test program for the nationally bankrupting ObamaCare. "

Steyn - Obama Agenda on the Precipice

Coakley’s Support of “Transgender Rights” Would Force Taxpayers to Fund Murderer’s Trans Procedures

Dems Question Why Brown Is Gaining On Coakley

Videos from outside Coakley "Rallies"

0bama can’t back out now. Gotta love it.

STAY HOME IN MASS (Gay Activists Revolt from Democrats)

It doesn’t matter really. The damage has been done. Øbama’s promises are catching up with him.

Voters desert President Barack Øbama in Ted Kennedy seat

"The Brownies will crawl over glass for him . The dems are not engaged at the street level. Clintoon and Ø are irrelevant here . It is out of control. "


(stole this from another FReeper, but bears repeating)

•People in ANY state can volunteer for the phone bank!

•Anyone… Anywhere… Contribute!

•Live in or near MA? Volunteers still needed at many regional offices. If you can help, please email and she will tell you how.

•If you live in Massachusetts, become an election judge. In Boston they pay $135-$185 and they NEED Republican monitors.

Needed; military and retired law enforcement VFW and police organizations etc to monitor polls- prevent the voter fraud they’re plotting right now. Video tape everything; document everything; prosecute the perpetrators.

Obama's Mother "very single when she had him"-Michelle Obama 7-10-08

The democrats have sprung a last minute "gotcha" video of Scott Brown saying he wasn't sure if Øbama's mother was married at the time of his birth.

This transcript shows Michelle Øbama saying: "Barack saw his mother, who was very young and very single when she had him, and he saw her work hard to complete her education and try to raise he and his sister." ... This is all they’ve got in the “gotcha” bag?

Coakley Accuses Brown Of Denying Aid To Rape Victims; But She Helped A Rapist Avoid Jail For Years

Smell the defeat in the air...

Only 36% of Likely Mass.Voters Support Obamacare; Only 48% Approve of Job Øbama's Doing

Krauthammer: "People Can Smell that" Dems Agenda "Not About Really Helping Americans" - Video

Here is video of Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer talking about the rejection by the American people of the tactics being used by President Obama and the Democrats to ram through Government Health Care. Krauthammer referenced the fact that Democrat Ben Nelson was recently jeered by Nebraska citizens as he left a restaurant there because of the deal he made for his vote that gained a sweetheart deal for Nebraska. But Nebraska citizens are actually "embarrassed" by what their Senator did, Krauthammer said.

"People can smell that this is all about politics and not about really helping Americans."
Krauthammer believes that is why the special Senate election in Massachusetts is a referendum on Obama and the tactics the Democrats are using. . . . (VIDEO)

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

How to Lock Democrats in Power

2005 Video: Obama on Social Security Reform-Tells Bush To Heed Public Opinion/Drop Plan

Sarah Palin Now Pulling Both Rock Star Money, Lady Gaga Comparisons

The only thing I’ve noticed that I believe is hurting her is her deer in the headlights moments. She needs to find a way to relax and talk from her head without sheilds visibly up. I understand why she is so gun shy but if I were her I’d get it out of my system and learn how to be comfortable in hostile environments. It is tough but it just takes displine. She can’t afford to continue to have those going blank moments that are so clearly apparent.

4 posted on Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:36:00 AM by Maelstorm

The New Storm Brewing On the Climate Front

Last month the EPA determined that greenhouse gases are a threat to human health, meaning that the agency is now required by the Clean Air Act to regulate such pollutants. And with no-one sure when the Senate will take up the cap-and-trade bill, EPA regulation has become a do-or-die issue for both camps in the climate fight. Advocates of climate action see it as the lone tool—albeit an imperfect one—that the Obama administration can use to implement significant emissions reductions in the absence of legislation. Foes, meanwhile, decry it as a back-door maneuver that must be stopped at all costs.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The comments are interesting...

History in a hurry: the first book about Climategate is published

Electronic publishing has revolutionized the art of writing, now less than two months since it happened, we have the very first book about Climategate. My first story on Climategate appeared on November 19th, 2009: Breaking News Story: CRU has apparently been hacked – hundreds of files released

I’ve read the book, and it appears to be an accurate and detailed portrayal of the history not only of the Climategate events and the players, but also of the events leading up to it...

18th Century England Temperatures Show Current "Global Warming" A Joke

Coldest winter for 200 years!

WE are barely into the new year yet the winter of 2009-10 may already be heading into the record books as one of the coldest in living memory.

11,754 posted on 01/17/2010 3:15:13 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

Brown Has 9.6% Lead in New Poll

Boston radio station creates parody of Coakley attack ad

When you’re getting mocked before the election, you know your campaign is imploding.... I hope they do another parody to mock Øbozo when he comes to Massachusetts today...

The Cases Coakley Didn't Prosecute

High voter turnout expected

I just hope lots of folks bring camcorders ( or phones with cameras ) with them with they go to vote.

Massachussetts Freeper: Don't didn't happen unless it's on video

Democrats Threaten Nuclear Option if Brown Wins


Now California GOP Candidates Closing In On Barbara Boxer

To Survive, the Democrats Must Throw Obama, Pelosi and Reid under the bus before Nov. 2010

Can Barack Obama Turn Things Around?


America's mainstream media will be Obama’s downfall

A year later, hope dissolves into disappointment

Under Barack Obama, US is obsessed with race but can't talk about it

Telegraph ^

Haiti Earthquake Disaster Little Surprise to Some Seismologists

Dominican Republic - Quake Aftermath

Argentina hit by 6.3 magnitude earthquake after Haiti and Venezuela

Richmond Police Report 15-Year-Old Girl Gang Raped (Another in same city)

... being sought after for also 'liking' the first girl-

4 teens injured in shootings (New Haven, CT)

...from comment area

" What's the difference between a white and a black shooter? The white shooter aims better!

Imagine one of these black shooters doing a workplace murder suicide?

"Newsflash; "Black man enters work place shoots 5 vending machines after attempting to kill his boss and other whites. Also shot were two windows a door and a forklift, before shooting off a gold tooth while attempting to take his own life. Luckily the only other injury was a dog which was shot in the leg while running away. No gold chains were snatched during the incident." "

Feel bad for the dog.

INDEED: “If only the media had as much contempt for lying, thieving, corrupt politicians as they do for sports stars who use steroids.”

The electronic run on banks nobody seemed to notice

Party Central!!! The Obama White House Throws 1 Party Every 3 Days During the First Year

Up To A Foot of Snow in Store for Parts of Massachusetts by Monday.

World Misled Over Himalayan Glacier Meltdown [Official Retraction Expected: Major Blow To Al Gore!]


Diamond Oceans Possible on Uranus, Neptune

The town that apparently isn't

Study: Chickens can count

11,755 posted on 01/17/2010 11:46:31 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All
Sunday, January 17, 2010, 2:51 PM
Jim Hoft

“It holds 3,000 and frankly only 2,000 to 2,500 showed up.”

Martha Coakley and Barack Obama held a rally today in Boston.
They couldn’t fill the hall at a university.

Carl Cameron is at the hall in Boston and said that Coakley and Obama couldn’t fill it up.


Meanwhile… Scott Brown didn’t have the problem across town.
It’s a mob scene:

It is standing room only and the hall management is concerned about OVERcrowding.


Obama Heckled at Coakley Rally in Boston… At a University? (Video)

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 3:12 PM
Jim Hoft

Oh my. Barack Obama was heckled at his Bush-bash rally in BOSTON… Of all places, at a university in Boston?
And it went on for 3-4 minutes.


Elitist Obama also bashed Scott Brown for driving a truck.

A REPORT FROM THE SCOTT BROWN RALLY AT WORCESTER: “It’s an absolute mob scene. The police have closed off the streets. It’s mind blowing. The hall is already full, and it holds 3,000 people. There may be another 1,000 people outside.”

Meanwhile, reader Sean Fitzpatrick writes: “Pictures don’t do justice. Nothing like this in Mass since JFK. Worcester rally starts in thirty minutes and the streets are already packed.” Here’s a pic.


UPDATE: Fitzpatrick sends another picture from inside the hall, and comments: “If the Brown campaign were worried that they wouldn’t fill the hall then they needn’t have. It is standing room only and the hall management is concerned about OVERcrowding.”


I like “The Whole World Is Watching” sign at the lower left. Yep. And sometimes via cellphone pics.

Posted at 2:56 pm by Glenn Reynolds

Brown Supporters: The Most Motivated Voters Ever? “I’ve never seen anything like it. . . .

The race in Massachusetts...

January 17, 2010 Posted by Scott at 7:42 AM

is nominally between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown, but over the past few days it's turned into a race between Coakley's Democrats and the bottom of the garbage can. Reaching into the bottom of the garbage can, the Massachusetts Democratic Party has sent out a four-page mailer whose cover alleges that "1,736 women were raped in Massachusetts in 2008. Scott Brown wants hospitals to turn them all away."

The allegation is false, of course. Bill Kristol summarily disposes of the allegation and William Jacobson collects the comments of unamused liberal pundits who have condemned it.

Jim Hoft notes that that the Brown campaign has filed a complaint against the Massachusetts Democratic Party under state law prohibiting false statements against political candidates that are designed or tend "to aid or to injure or defeat such candidate," with a penalty of to $1,000 fine and up to six months in prison. Jim has also posted the Washington Times video of the Brown campaign press conference announcing the complaint.

The Democrats' gambit reeks of desperation. It suggests that Democrats know Coakley is down and that the dynamics of the race need to be reversed for Coakley to win.

President Obama's arrival in Massachusetts this afternoon on behalf of Coakley is designed to increase turnout among Democratic voters. In a regular election and a normal year, Obama's appearance should be worth a three- or four-point bump for Coakley, perhaps enough to put her over the top. But this is a special election in a year during which Obama's residual personal popularity has not proved transferable. Obama's personal popularity has not proved transferable because of the unpopularity of his policies.

The Massachusetts Democrats' bottom-of-the-barrel approach to the election's waning days should hurt Coakley rather than help her because it is so transparent, so obviously over the top. Or so I would like to think.

UPDATE: Michael Graham provides evidence of the departure of this race from the norm.

Via Instapundit.

POLITICAL THERMOMETER. “Wise strategists need look no further than U.S. House races in Pennsylvania to gauge the country’s political temperature. . . . What House races in Pennsylvania show is that freshman and sophomore Democrats nationwide are vulnerable. Incumbents of each party should be wary of being tossed out by frustrated voters.”

CLARK HOYT: Yes, GruberGate is a scandal. But with a quick Bush-guy-did-it-too head-toss thrown in.

White Approval Of Obama Down 18%

January 17th, 2010

From a seemingly surprised Washington Post:

Poll shows growing disappointment, polarization over Obama’s performance

By Jon Cohen and Jennifer Agiesta
Sunday, January 17, 2010; A08

A year into his presidency, President Obama faces a polarized nation and souring public assessments of his efforts to change Washington, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Nearly half of all Americans say Obama is not delivering on his major campaign promises, and a narrow majority have just some or no confidence that he will make the right decisions for the country’s future.

More than a third see the president as falling short of their expectations, about double the proportion saying so at the 100-day mark of Obama’s presidency in April. At the time, 63 percent said the president had accomplished a "great deal" or a "good amount." Now, the portion saying so has dropped to 47 percent…

There is a growing racial divide in public assessments of Obama. African Americans overwhelmingly approve of the job he is doing, just as they did in April. There has also been little change in the numbers saying he has accomplished a lot so far. But among whites, a sense that Obama has achieved at least a good amount and his approval rating have both dropped nearly 20 points.

There has been a dramatic falloff in the percentage of whites saying that Obama has brought needed change to Washington. In April, 58 percent of whites said Obama had done this; now the number is 41 percent. Overall, 50 percent of all those polled say Obama has delivered the change that was a main theme of his candidacy; 49 percent say he has not…

Of course the problem is not that Mr. Obama has accomplished too little.

The problem is what the radical leftist has ‘accomplished.’

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 9:50 AM
Jim Hoft

When you lose The Guardian you know you’re in trouble…
The far left Guardian today says “Even Charles Manson Could Beat Him Now.”

Charles Manson?

A week may be a long time in politics. But a year has not been enough for the Democratic president to meet the expectations of his candidacy, deal with the situation he inherited or defuse the barbed charges of his detractors. For many the change that Obama promised when he was inaugurated a year on Wednesday has ended up being a change for the worse. Unemployment is rising, houses prices are falling, unpopular wars are still raging. After 100 days only Ronald Reagan had higher approval ratings for his first few months in office than Obama. But as his first year draws to a close nobody has had lower ratings at this stage since Dwight Eisenhower…

“A lot of information about Obama’s background is missing,” says Abigail Billings. “The media in America is not doing any research. They’re not asking any questions. They’re not reporting any longer. They’re now opinionated talk shows. They’re no longer offering factual news coverage.” They all watch Fox News.

Many on America’s left are also ­disgruntled with Obama. They believe the healthcare reform, without a public option, will be inadequate, that the war in Afghanistan will unravel, the stimulus bill was insufficient to kick-start the economy and that his economic team is being run by Wall Street. But unlike the right they have so far failed to turn their disillusionment into a potent political force.

“I’d have thought in the past that if Charles Manson ran against a Republican in Floyd County he would win,” says Bartley. “But Charles Manson could beat Barack Obama here right now. Thousands of miners out of work, the entire local economy in the tank. But he’s got a couple of years where he could turn this round. If he does that he could win. If he doesn’t, Charles Manson could come in and win.”

Hat Tip Brian B.

HAITI UPDATE: London Times: Haiti earthquake: a few more rescues, but aid still slow. “Nobody can go anywhere without security in the city. No aid workers can go anywhere without taking risks with security. That adds to the difficulty of delivering the aid because you not only have to have transport – which is rare – you also have to have some sort of security with you, or you are taking a risk. People are getting angry, people are getting hungry and thirsty.” This is sounding kind of familiar.

As I mentioned before, disaster relief isn’t like ordering a pizza. It’s hard to get aid into a place where the infrastructure has been wrecked and ordinary social order broken down. I’m seeing some people start to go after Obama on this in an obvious echo of the Katrina-based criticism of Bush. I understand the appeal of payback, but I don’t see any evidence that Obama has blown it here; this stuff is just hard. Of course, the press won’t go after him the way they went after Bush, but that’s a given.

UPDATE: Reader Kevin Greene writes:

Glenn I hope your readers are paying attention.

Granted, Haiti didn’t have a very robust infrastructure to begin with, nevertheless its experience should be an object lesson for every American: In a natural disaster, aid is probably not coming nearly as fast as you think it should. It isn’t coming as fast as you think it will. And aid isn’t coming as fast as you’re going to need it.

If you’re not prepared to go it on your own for at least a couple of weeks, with your own supplies of food and especially water and emergency medical supplies, then you probably deserve your fate. Those of us who survive will be all the better off in a significantly cleansed gene pool.

Might be a good time to link people to this … just as a reminder that the United States is also due some natural disasters of epic proportions.

Well, if the Yellowstone Caldera really blows, the only good preparation will be a trip to Australia — taken before it lets go. But this Haiti earthquake has had me thinking about the New Madrid fault, which could wreck things across a very large part of the United States. And, yeah, you need to be ready to look after yourself for at least a week, preferably two or three at a minimum.

Lots of disaster-preparedness resources here.

Elderly and Abandoned, 85 Haitians Await Death

If Women Ran The World

We'd all still live in caves, with really, really fancy curtains.*

Posted by Kate at 6:11 AM| Comments (18)

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Cass Sunstein wants the government to "cognitively.."

infiltrate" anti-government groups... Sunstein's 2008 paper was flagged by this blogger, and then amplified in an excellent report by Raw Story's Daniel Tencer.

Winter storm to move into Bay State by Sunday night

11,756 posted on 01/17/2010 2:00:35 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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To: All

Poll: Brown up 9.6%

It's Time We Take Back The People's Seat! (Boston Video)

Obama Here For Coakley, Trailing A Diminished Aura [DNC Consultant: Obama Was "Fictionionalized"]


Obama Stumps for Coakley in Surprisingly Tight Massachusetts Senate Race

The White House Is Predicting a Coakley Loss?


ABC News/WAPO Poll: America Not Happy With POTUS/Want LESS Government

Red tide giving Governor Deval Patrick the blues

WITH VIDEO: About 3,000 attend Tea Party event (Racine, WI Bonfire, 25°, burn your AARP Card)

Why O's 'bank tax' won't fix Wall St. (The rookie Hussein can't be this stupid - can he?)

What The Heck (Obumbler Attacks Trucks Drivers Alert)

"Let the peasants eat Wagu..."

Someone sent us this link and at first we thought it was an elaborate practical joke.  Then, we damn near choked on a rootbeer cupcake, as we just kept laughing at the absurdity, on the meta-level, over this:  Liberals at crazy places like DemocraticUnderground are accusing US of teaching all of YOU how to be Eeyores and Trolls to demoralize THEM.

Since February of 2008, our primary mission in life has been to counter the Left’s online presence, and the trolling, concern-trolling, and Eeyore breeding they do against whomever the target du jour is.  This is an astroturf operation of college-aged, paid, Internet operatives whose mission is to run psy-ops for the George Soros crowd.  They are incredibly effective, too, which is why we have been calling them out for going on two years now.

We coined the term Eeyore during Hillary Clinton’s primary campaign largely because of our own good friend Astrid, who depressed everyone around her because she’d visit sites Liberals infected with concern-trolling, and would then hit her 1,000-strong email list with every single bit of demoralizing, pessimistic, negative reporting she could muster.  She’d forward opinion pieces by Tim Russert and Keith Olbermann.  She’s transcribe all the propaganda MSNBC was issuing.  And she’d try to put little black rainclouds over everyone she knew.  But she wanted Hillary Clinton to win the primary nominati0n…and she never understood (and to this day still doesn’t understand) how much damage she (and Eeyores like her) did to the campaign by depressing turnout, convincing people to just give up, and lending credance to what the MSM was saying by personally vouching for them in her forwarded emails.

Eeyores are like computers taken over by a spam server — and start spewing spam out themselves and never realize it.  Eeyorism is an infection the Left spreads. We’ve been telling you this for two years.

It’s in full court press in the Massachusetts Senate race.  We clearly see Liberals trying to troll and concern troll and Eeyore breed 24/7, but thankfully more and more Moderates and Conservatives are waking up to this garbage.  Astrid still falls for it.  Too many people still fall for it, but many are waking up and soon we hope this particular astroturfing psy-ops trick won’t work anymore.

It’s just so funny to us that the Left now thinks we’re using their own tactic against them.  We will take some credit for spreading the word on what the Left has been up to and revealing their playbook to you.  We will continue to do just that until Liberals are destroyed, punished for what they did to the Clintons in 2008, and all of Liberals’ favorite goon squads like ACORN and the SEIU are permanently dismantled.

Payback’s a bitch, yo.

And Liberals are paranoid, and must be really feeling the pressure, because they actually believe we’re teaching all of you to use their own tricks against them.

Maybe that’s what we’re actually doing, without even realizing it.

Can you play eleventh dimensional chess without knowing that’s what you are doing?

For the sake of the country, we hope so.


Other crazy people today are also calling us a “conservative site” and chide us for stoking what they call “An Orange Revolution”.

We’re just urging Americans to stand up for this country against the Liberal bullies currently in power.  It’s homophobic to call any Revolution we’re behind orange, since we’re gay, so it should be pink.  And the fact these people are emphasizing color at all is just plain RAAACIST.  And homophobic.  And because we support Israel, it’s antisemitic, too, even though we’re all lapsed Catholics and protestants.

All we are doing is trying to get Moderates and Conservatives to work together to use the Liberals’ Alinsky Methods playbook against them, to take back this country, boot the Liberals from office, and fix all the damage they have done in this The Golden Age of Hope and Change.

Apparently, that threatens some people.

We need to work harder to threaten even more, because clearly we must be on to something.


"I think we should keep an eye on the Clintons…because IMO they are waiting, waiting, waiting, for the right moment. As Obama implodes the Democratic Party they can easily jump in to save it."

What are the trolls up to today?

Please use this thread to keep track of the script the trolls are using against Scott Brown in Massachusetts, in Liberals’ desperate efforts to keep “The Kennedy Seat” in their hands on Tuesday.

We firmly believe there are emails that go out, or a message board that posts instructions on a daily basis, telling the trolls what to say all across the Internets.

Trolls are people who come to a board, forum, or comment section of an article, and most negative things about a candidate, usually repeating the same attacks over and over again, like they are just cut and pasting prepared, nonsequitor remarks from Word docs.

Concern trolls are people who post the above negative points, but cloaked in things that at first seem supportive of the candidate. They do this for a few reasons, which include getting passed moderation in comments sections — hoping board moderators just read the first sentence of a longish post and approve it, not realizing the remarks were a net-negative and troll attack disguised nominally as a supportive post.

Eeyores are genuine supporters of a candidate who listen to the trolls and concern trolls and become so demoralized that they use the boards and forums as public therapy sessions, venting all their pessimism, and bringing other people down because these narcissists can’t keep their doubts and little black rain clouds to themselves until after the election is over.  They don’t realize how much energy they sap from people who are fighting for the candidate to win, because they need to be indulged in their hand-holding, and constantly must be talked down from ledges.

Then, there’s another group of people we are certain is on the DNC payroll, but we haven’t figured out how to place them in the above — really, they could be trolls, concern trolls, and Eeyores all at once.  They’re the “purists”, who specifically target any Republican running for office, hoping to push the magic button with conservative voters to get them to stay home on voting day because the Republican candidate, whoever he or she is, “is not conservative enough”.  The sick twist to this is that, if you pay attention to political forums, these same purists say EVERY Republican candidate is not conservative enough.  NO ONE is conservative enough for these people.  They claim Reagan is their hero today, but if Reagan was running for anything today, they would certainly be attacking him for not being conservative enough himself.  That’s because, in our opinion, these people are most likely college-age Liberals getting paid to drive down Republican support for a candidate and demoralize conservative voters.

There is a major psy-ops effort underway against Scott Brown’s voters in Massachusetts.  If Democrats are sending all of their big guns to the state to campaign for Martha Coakley, don’t you think they’ve also mobilized their troll army as well?

They are doing everything they can to keep Brown voters at home on Tuesday.  They know that Brown is going to win if we can keep people motivated and get them to vote next week.  So they are spending the next three days working hard to breed Eeyores in Brown supporters’ midst, to make people give up, to get them to surrender.

Here’s something we received today from a reader, noting some of the troll talking points for today that she’s seeing:

the trolls are out in full force making comments in the papers. There is one person ranting about being loyal democrat and saying stupid stuff like calling brown a teabagger.

One of them started off about the Cosmo spread but that went over like a lead balloon. No one is buying these pro-Coakley or pro-Obot comments, especially the crap about “free” healthcare. These twats seem to not understand that it will never be free because taxes are still paying for it…. as for the slinging at doctors…. well…. they are probably greedy union officials… getting high salaries and throwing the mud around.

It looks like, from the above comment, that trolls have either received an email telling them the following, or have their marching orders posted on a Daily Kos or board somewhere telling them to say, over and over, that:

(1) Scott Brown is a “teabagger”, because Liberals seem to believe this is a vile insult, when most Americans support the Tea Party Rebellion against Socialism.

(2) Scott Brown is a former Cosmo centerfold — as if that is a bad thing in any way, shape or form.  We wish he had been a Playgirl model.  We’d have hung that up over the mantle in our living room (particularly if the thing was hung itself).

(3) Scott Brown will stop people from having “free healthcare” — and it appears no one is dumb enough to fall for that lie.

Do some critical thinking today.

Look for Troll, Concern Troll, Eeyore, and Purist comments in articles you read or boards you go to and start collecting the common threads that run between them.

Can you add more numbers to the list above, in terms of what talking points are being pushed against Scott Brown today?

This is actually bigger than Brown himself, in that we want you to participate in this exercise so that you can get better and better at smacking down Trolls, Concern Trolls, Eeyores, and Purists in the future.  Call them out as Liberal operatives and plants.  Make sure they lose all power over the gullible.

Become experts in identifying astroturfing tactics and psy-ops attacks from Liberals.

In the next three days, this stuff is going to get nasty.  Psy-ops is the only strategy available to Liberals as a last result in the final days of an election.  There will be much pizza ordered, many late nights, and thousands of these trolls coast to coast working hard to affect the Massachusetts Senate race by demoralizing Brown supporters and suppressing his supporters.

Your job is to counter these efforts with common sense and sunlight — the natural enemies of trolls everywhere.

Here is another one Obama ordering troll attacks on talk radio

The Death of the Grown-Up: a re-post from a couple of years ago

11,757 posted on 01/17/2010 4:18:40 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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InTrade's going crazy for Scott Brown

This guy- Wretchard at the Belmont Club-- is mighty good when he hits his stride...
Like Now:

Harvard yard collects myth. John Harvard’s statue, for example is locally known as the “Statue of the Three Lies”. The inscription claims that it depicts John Harvard, Founder, 1638, but John Harvard did not found the university, which was founded in 1636. And the statue really depicts a student, who the sculptor used as a model. Thus the Three Lies.

Another myth is that somewhere in Harvard Yard during World War 2 a distinguished group of faculty members worked out the physics of creating man-made firestorms. The legend probably derives from the work of Dr. Louis Frieser, whose Harvard research team beat chemists from Du Pont and Standard Oil to develop napalm, a substance which needs no introduction, after much other work in incendiaries.

But it is the concept of a firestorm which lends itself to the most analogues. Joseph Stalin once remarked that “quantity has a quality all its own”. The idea applies to a firestorm because it is based on the concept that if you create a fire big enough and of the right shape, it eventually transforms itself into a forced draft furnace. The fire itself comes alive and hunts abroad like a living thing looking for ever more to consume.

A firestorm is a conflagration which attains such intensity that it creates and sustains its own wind system. … A firestorm is created as a result of the stack effect as the heat of the original fire draws in more and more of the surrounding air. … This wind shear is capable of producing small tornado- or dust devil-like circulations called fire whirls which can also dart around erratically, damage or destroy houses and buildings, and quickly spread the fire to areas outside the central area of the fire.

One of the most horrifying phenomena associated with firestorms is the flame devil. These are columns of intense heat which rampage down streets, melting asphalt underfoot and pursuing terrified survivors like an apparition from hell. A firestorm is by its nature an out of control conflagration.  It stops only when it has sated itself. It is interesting that firestorms have returned to Cambridge in another form. What started out as a foregone exercise to fill the Senate seat formerly occupied by Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts has gradually turned into an incandescent furnace drawing in national figures and forces from all over into a kind of cauldron. What comes out of the smoke at the end of the process will be known after Tuesday.


(83) Comments   ( And these are good, too- read them, dammit! )

"Wretchard, awhile back you suggested that the Left and Right would soon confront each other in a “meeting engagement”, similar to the Battle of Jutland. I would suggest that Tuesday is Der Tag."

"Andy Warhol pegged America well when he spoke of people having 15 minutes of fame… Obama had his and every time he speaks, more people wake up…"

67. whiskey:

Wretchard’s points deserve amplification: THERE IS NO MARGIN.

No more money to steal, no more terrorism to ignore, no more give. Forget “GOP Catastrophic victory” (unlikely, the grass roots Tea Partiers are taking over the party machinery from the bottom up). Rather, the issue is that Obama cannot play Clinton.

Clinton could go along with a GOP Congress to provide good times, and use the end of the Cold War margin for a party. No problems, lots of fuzzy thinking. No worries about jihad + nukes. Party like its 1999.

Well, its not 1999 anymore. Its not even 2005. [Haiti btw is the Katrina for Obama, his guy has been less able than Michael Brown. Relief coordination has been a mess.]

Obama has to deliver, Americans are not going to sign up for another two years of speeches and hoping for the future which never comes.

The fight will be particularly ugly, and we won’t go back to status-quo ante either. Obama of course has zilch understanding of ordinary Americans, since culturally he is not one.

GOOD FOR REPUBLICANS? Bad weather forecast for Tuesday in Massachusetts.
 Obama here for Coakley, trailing a diminished aura. “The feverish excitement that propelled Barack Obama and scores of other Democrats to victory in 2008 has all but evaporated... FIREDOGLAKE: Progressives, please help defeat Coakley.
Like I tell ya- read the  314 Comments ..."I think we should find people who represent us. At some point we should reject people who continue to betray us. " Yep- and that applies to both the Evil & Stupid Parties...
"Can you hear us, Now?"

A NEW PJM/CROSSTARGET POLL: Brown Up 9.6 Percent Among Likely Voters.

UPDATE: Hmm. That margin exactly agrees with this Merriman River Group poll, for whatever that’s worth.


Obama Advisers Say Coakley Will Lose

January 17th, 2010

From CNN’s Political Ticker:

Sources: Obama advisers believe Coakley will lose

January 17th, 2010

From CNN Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry

Washington (CNN) – Multiple advisers to President Obama have privately told party officials that they believe Democrat Martha Coakley is going to lose Tuesday’s special election to fill the Massachusetts Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy for more than 40 years, several Democratic sources told CNN Sunday.

The sources added that the advisers are still hopeful that Obama’s visit to Massachusetts on Sunday – coupled with a late push by Democratic activists – could help Coakley pull out a narrow victory in an increasingly tight race against Republican state Sen. Scott Brown.

However, the presidential advisers have grown increasingly pessimistic in the last three days about Coakley’s chances after a series of missteps by the candidate, sources said.

Let’s hope the locals don’t get too confident.

Oh, and those “missteps by the candidate” were simply letting the public actually see her for what she actually is.

Democrats seldom survive that.


Take a look at this and just remember elections in Nov. 2010.

U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.
1. They voted to not give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.
2. Your Medicare premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years and
You will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is
-$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.
3. Over 2-yrs they each get $10,000
4. Do you feel SCREWED?
5. Will they have your cost of drugs – doctor fees – local taxes – food, etc., increase?
NO WAY . They have a raise and better benefits. Why care about you? You never did anything about it in the past. You obviously are too stupid or don’t care.
6. Do you really think that Nancy, Harry, Chris, Charlie, Barnie, et al, care about you? SEND THE MESSAGE– You’re FIRED.

It is ok to forward this to your sphere of influence if you are finally tired of the abuse.
Maybe it’s time for the……..
Amendment 28

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United
States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives,
and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or
Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the
United States .”

Let’s get this passed around, folks – these people in Washington have brought this upon themselves!!! It’s time for retribution. Let’s take back America .

Volunteers are being called for:
“Next week, Massachusetts’s citizens will head to the polls to vote in a historical election. Close elections draw intense scrutiny, and ensuring the accuracy and credibility of the process is crucial. For that reason, the Scott Brown campaign is assembling a volunteer team to ensure that every legally cast ballot is accurately counted. The citizens of Massachusetts deserve a fair and honest election.
He concludes: “Please do not wait, Election Day is January 19th!”

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 4:36 PM
Jim Hoft

Obama warned Boston voters today that Martha Coakley must win or his socialist experiment to remake American banking, energy, and health care, etc. will be doomed:


President Barack Hussien Obama:
( mmm, mmm, mmm... )
“We’ve got so much work left to do. And, as much progress as we’ve made, I can’t do it alone. I need leaders like Martha by my side so that we can kick it into high gear; so that we can finish what we’ve started.”

FOX News analyst Carl Cameron: For what’s at stake. President Obama himself has now said that he needs this win because the country’s ability to move forward or back is at stake. A broad sweeping statement that essentially encompasses not only his health care agenda, his economic plans, as well as his green energy proposals. All of these things hinging on whether or not Martha Coakley is elected as a democrat, thus protecting the 60 vote majority.”

Hmm… I thought he already kicked it into high gear? What was 2009 about, then?

That is absolutely frightening.
Go Scott Brown.

 Krugman, Gruber, and non-disclosure issues. “The issue is the non-disclosure, and — most serious of all — the misleading attempts by the White House and others to depict him as being ‘objective’ and independent rather than disclosing that he was being paid a significant amount of money by the very party whose interests his advocacy was advancing (which happens to be one of the misleading schemes Sunstein explicitly advocated in his 2008 paper). . . . That’s the only issue here: for many people, there’s a big difference between hearing from a truly independent authority about Obama’s plan and hearing from someone being paid many hundreds of thousands of dollars by the administration.” Those “others” would include the media organizations whose high ethical standards and layers of editors and fact-checkers are supposed to protect readers . . .
Dinosaur Media Deathwatch, v. XXX: ANN ALTHOUSE: We’re going to have to pay to read the NYT on line. “For me, reading on line is tied to blogging. I’m not going to spend my time reading sites that I can’t blog, and I’m not going to blog and link to sites that you can’t read without paying. Currently, I link to the NYT a lot, perhaps several times a day...More thoughts from Jeff Jarvis. “But note the verb that started off the paragraph above: should. Readers who read more should pay more. This is the product of journalism’s sense of entitlement. “
After A Year, Hope Turns Into Disappointment.
'"No he can't." He is ruining this country and tearing it apart. I don't think this country has been this divided since the Civil War, and this has nothing to do with race. People are getting upset, they were promised so much and so far have seen so little. All this president seems to care about is getting free rides...'

The measure of a man

by Speranza ( 187 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama at January 17th, 2010 - 6:00 pm

Whatever faults he had, George W. Bush was always the gentleman and a class act. Reviled, demeaned, and hated – Bush (unfortunately in my opinion) never returned the anger or hatred. Unfortunately President Obama still likes to make Bush his favorite scapegoat and whipping boy – however that has not prevented him from turning to Bush to help in the relief efforts for Haiti. Being the patriot and Christian gentleman that he is, of course President Bush responded positively. There was plenty to criticize in the 2nd Bush administration but he never deserved the filth that was heaped upon him by his lesser. George W. Bush was/is/and will ever be – a better man then Barack Obama.

by Jeannie DeAngelis

During the Henry Gates Officer Crowley racial controversy there was a telling picture of Crowley assisting a disabled Henry Gates as both walked a few paces behind the ever haughty and imperious Barack Obama.   As Obama was strutting before the cameras championing racial equality, the Officer, who had been portrayed as a racist by Gates, relinquished pride and exhibited compassion for his accuser.  If what Michelle Obama professes is the truth and “actions speak louder than words,” the picture of Crowley compassionately aiding and guiding Gates down the Rose Garden steps said a mouthful. Officer Crowley’s empathy, as compared to Barack Obama’s self-obsessed concern, was evident with out a word.

Yesterday, America witnessed a similar display of humbleness.  George W. Bush, criticized, mocked, humiliated, blamed and dishonored by both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, put the needs of the Haitian people before personal feelings and pride.


For political expediency Obama continues to diminish G.W. Bush in the minds of the American people.  In response, the ex-President reciprocated by building up Barack Obama’s wounded reputation before the nation.  George W. Bush behaved like Officer Crowley; only this time Bush assisted a political cripple who may talk a good talk, but if you watch closely has trouble walking without a crutch.

Read the rest.

-Kommander ZerØ--


Climategate: The Truth Hurts When It Hits You in the Head

Well, This is Awkward

The devil with lipstick horns: How Left-wing British magazine portrays Sarah Palin

On the Troll Problem

Tea Party movement gains traction in state politics

The taking of America [Dear Leader and his worshippers]



11,758 posted on 01/18/2010 3:33:31 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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Upset Coming Up in Masschusetts? Obama Heckled, Brown Surges And Dems Panic

Prez's outsider act is bombing in Kennedy country (Hint to Da Prez, no one's buying your crap!)


Martha Coakley: A Democratic Canary In A Coal Mine? “The president acknowledged voter anger in a more stark way than I can recall him ever doing. (And again: this is in Massachusetts!)”

UPDATE: More thoughts from Michael Barone. “Barack Obama got 62 percent of the vote in Massachusetts in 2008. His percentage was lower in 42 other states. With the Massachusetts seat in jeopardy, no Senate seat in those 42 states can be considered utterly safe for Democrats in today’s climate of opinion.”

Martha’s Greatest Hits VI: Why Did Coakley Fight So Hard to Keep an Innocent Man Behind Bars?

Gasps at MSNBC as Chris Matthews Says "It's Brown" by "Double-Digits" in MA Bellweathers - Video

Cyber/Physical Threats Aimed At Brown Supporters (HillBuzz)

Democrats’ Plan for Election 2010: Cheat

Review of Jet Bomb Plot Shows More Missed Clues (including a warning about "Umar Farouk")

Courting Disaster: A word from Marc Thiessen (The Obama Malaise)

A Government Takeover of 401(k)s? If that happens, we may see members of Congress literally, not just figuratively, tarred and feathered.
 Can Barack Obama Turn Things Around? “The official rate of 10 per cent understates the gravity. A detailed study by MB Zuckerman suggests that the real unemployment rate is a staggering 22 per cent. The official figure does not include the million men and women who have given up, it does not describe the demoralisation of the six million who have been out of work for 28 weeks or more, nor the millions who get by with odd jobs; what the Daily Beast website has called ‘the gig economy’.”

Old GOP Doesn't 'Get' Tea Parties

The Mood Of The American People



America’s Wakeup Call Just Beginning

Washington “Assault Weapon” Ban Impacts All Firearm Owners!

France and America bicker as Haiti aid fails to reach city

Magnitude 6.0 quake hits Guatemala coast: USGS

Consequences Resulting from a Major Earthquake in the Central U.S. (New Madrid fault)

The Global Warming Scandal Heats Up

11,759 posted on 01/18/2010 11:53:58 AM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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GOP's Scott Brown Closing Campaign with "Bold New Leadership" Bus Tour - Video 1/18/10

After Kennedy Death, Voters Look Beyond Democrats

Intrade: Brown 71.1, Coakley 27.0

Coakley gaffes reach critical mass explosion -

-Catholics shouldn't work in ER’s
-Schilling a Yankee fan
- Fenway handshake flub
- Obama truck smears
- Obama heckled by little boy
- Weekly Standard reporter knock down
- Patches Maria gaffes

RCP final poll roundup!

The only poll that counts? The vote count- so go & do it. Call if you can't vote there, and Get Out The Vote...

Schauer is latest Dem to trail in early poll

Tea Party rally draws hundreds to Idaho Capitol steps

WH Chief of Staff Emanuel's Joke - 'The First Amendment...It's Highly Overrated'

Yellowstone hit by swarm of earthquakes.....

For Those Who Can't Handle The Truth....the emergence of the Internet in the last two decades has made one fundamental change. There is more information available to more people. The intelligence agencies and the media no longer have a monopoly on international information gathering networks. Email and the sheer breadth of data available, all the time, from all over the world, makes it possible for smaller organizations, or individuals, to collect information from all over, and perform their own analysis. People are reaching conclusions that are at odds with the intelligence agencies, and the media. But not with the commercial intelligence firms, who live or die by the accuracy of the analyses they provide their corporate customers.

WOW! WW II Battleship sailor tells Obama to shape up or ship out !

Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor , allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.

One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man.

So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like: " We're no longer a Christian nation" " America is arrogant" - (Your wife even announced to the world," America is mean- spirited. " Please tell her to try preaching that nonsense to 23 generations of our war dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness.) I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said," America hasn't lived up to her ideals."

Which ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British? Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War? I hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.

I don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue . You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don't want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don't mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don't want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you're thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president. You're not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now. And I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle.

Sincerely, Harold B. Estes

"...when people like him rise means that there are alot of people already ahead of him who feel the same way.

The American public got buffaloed. It won’t happen again."

James Carville-Run Poll Shows America Not Pleased With Obama, Obamacare

A Vulnerable Obama: ‘There Are Times When The Words About Me Hurt’


Bush Katrina Economy Obama Haiti Economy

The American media may not dare blame Obama’s handling, but the French are saying the U.S. is screwing this up all over the place.

Make that Doctors Without Borders and the Brazilians, too:

Reminding how Bill CLINTON helped Jean Bertrand ARISTIDE to keep in power in HAITI

Former civil rights assistant Attorney Gen., "excited we have two black men RUNNING the country.”

Voters Are Fed Up and Not Just In Massachusetts (Stop trying to ram this crap down our throats)

Tea Party floods capitol square, with message to both parties(Virginians!)

Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas


Found Footage: The Story of Macintosh

YouTube video...

The Story of Macintosh, pt

The Story of Macintosh, pt

This is a bit better of a video of "1984"...

Apple's "1984" Commercial

Poisoned PDF pill used to attack US military contractors-- Yet more cyber-espionage shenanigans

DIY Laser Build: 12X Blu-ray Star Trek Phaser!

11,760 posted on 01/18/2010 4:09:42 PM PST by backhoe (All Across America, the Lights are being relit again...)
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